
  • 网络Fruit ripening period;fructescence
  1. 果实成熟期使这种表现型特征可能明显地起一些作用。

    Fruit maturity may play a part in phenotypic characterization .

  2. 以糯米糍荔枝为试材,研究了PBO、EP等果树复合生长调节剂及光合菌肥对荔枝果实成熟期及其产量、品质、果色等的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of 3 chemical treatments ( EP , PBO and photosynthetic bacterium ) on fruit maturation period and yield and quality of litchi were studied .

  3. 在间作系统透光性上,不同株行距叶面积指数(LAI)均表现为随杏物候期(花期到果实成熟期)的推移呈上升的趋势,到果实成熟期后略有下降。

    Transmittance in the intercropping system , different spacing of leaf area index ( LAI ) are expressed as with the apricot phenology ( flowering to fruit maturity ) goes upward trend , to fruit maturity , decreased slightly .

  4. 天空开度(DIFN)随物候期逐渐减小,到果实成熟期后略有上升。

    Sky opening ( DIFN ) decreased with phenology , to fruit maturity , increased slightly .

  5. 极早熟珍珠梨在果实成熟期和经济性状方面,接近或超过世界各国曾广泛栽培的极早熟梨品种伏茄梨(BeurreGiffard)和小伏梨(Madeleine)品种。

    In respect of fruit ripening date and other econmic characters , Pearl pear can be comparable to the two very early ripening pear varieties-Beurre Giffard and Madeleine , widely grown in the world .

  6. 同时,发现从绿果期到果实成熟期,越橘花色素苷的蓄积量与VcCHS基因的表达量呈现一致性,二者都是在果皮组织中的含量达到最高。

    Meanwhile , the content of anthocyanins had significant consistency with the relative expression of VcCHS , and they both showed the highest transcript abundance in the skins .

  7. 果实成熟期(盛花后145~170d)。

    Fruit maturation stage ( 145-170 d after full blossom ) .

  8. 葡萄杂交后代果实成熟期遗传倾向研究

    Studies on Fruit Mature Period Genetic Tendency of Grape Crossing Progeny

  9. 柑桔多胺代谢及其对生长结果调控的研究Ⅱ.果实成熟期多胺与水杨酸含量变化及其对耐贮性的影响

    Studies on Polyamine Metabolism and its Regulation of Growth and Fruit Set in Citrus

  10. 生物学特性包括花器官及花期变异和果实成熟期变异等特性;

    The biological characters include floral organs and florescence characters , and fruit maturity characters .

  11. 研究结果对开展“妃子笑”果实成熟期预报服务有积极意义。

    This research result would provide the reference to the prediction of the Litchi fruit maturity period .

  12. 蟠桃果实成熟期集中于花后106~115天及121~130天。

    Most varieties ripen between 106 and 115 days , 121 and 130 days after full bloom .

  13. 山茱萸果实成熟期主要成分的动态变化

    Dynamic Quantitative Variety of Main Constituent in Fruit of Cornus Officinalis during the Process of Fruit Maturation

  14. 直至果实成熟期,各种矿质元素含量趋于稳定。

    Until fruit maturation period , all kinds of mineral nutritions content tended to be stable . 4 .

  15. 北五味子果实成熟期营养成分变化的研究

    A Study on Variation of Nutritional Ingredient in Fruit ripe Period of Schisandra chinensis ( Turcz ) Baill

  16. 在研究期间,降水时间的改变导致了植物开花和果实成熟期的改变。

    During the study , the temporal change of rainfall caused the change of flowering and fruiting time .

  17. 寒光苹果果实成熟期色素、糖、酸和激素含量的变化

    Changes of Pigment , Sugar , Acid and Hormone Contents during Fruit Maturation of " Handguang " Apple

  18. 果实成熟期为6月下旬,果实成熟温度为22℃。

    The fruit maturation period was in the last ten days of June , the fruit maturation temperature was 22 ℃ .

  19. 印楝果实成熟期调查及不同采收期印楝素含量的变化

    Investigation of Fruit Maturity Stage of Azadirachta indica Juss . and the Change of Fruit Azadirachtin Content at Different Harvest Time

  20. 环境因子中,开花到果实成熟期的降水日数、相对湿度和平均日较差是影响枸杞品质的主要气象因子;

    There , precipitation days , mean air humidity and mean diurnal range of air temperature were the main weather factors .

  21. 在果实成熟期,有机生产系统中甜瓜的生物量较高,但经济产量与常规系统差异不显著。

    In fruit mature period , muskmelon had higher biomass in organic production system , but there was no significant difference on market yield in both systems .

  22. 果皮中粗皂甙积累较为缓慢,在果实成熟期含量为12.4%。

    The accumulation of crude saponin is slow in the pericarp , in which the content of crude saponin is 12 % when the fruit becomes matured .

  23. 设施栽培玉露蟠桃在果实成熟期不易受外界环境因子影响,商品产量和品质比露地栽培更稳定。

    Fruit maturity of peach in greenhouse was less susceptible to external environmental factors , and product yield and quality was more stable than the open field cultivation .

  24. 露地条件和蓝膜下的早黑宝葡萄叶绿素含量在着色期达到峰值,而白膜下则是在果实成熟期达到峰值。

    The peak value of chlorophyll content appears in the color period in the blue film and open ground , but that do in autumn in white film .

  25. 12个莲雾品种和品系又分成4个亚组,这与传统分类学上按照果实成熟期的划分结果基本一致。

    And 12 cultivars and varieties of wax apple were further divided into 4 subgroups , as was fundamentally accorded with the traditional classification based on fruit-ripening period .

  26. 在911月(果实成熟期)覆盖地膜,日平均土温增高1.7℃、土壤含水量比对照降低1124%。

    Mulching plastic film from September to November ( fruit ripening . period ) increased soil temperature per day to 1.7 ℃ , but decreased soil moisture to 11-24 % .

  27. 温室种植的果实成熟期长于露地种植,可能是由于温室果实生长发育期温度较低所致。

    The fruit maturation period of greenhouse culture was longer than that of open field culture , because the temperature of greenhouse was lower in fruit development period by any possibility .

  28. 土特拉、达塞斯克特、鬼怒甘、红宝石适宜作为半促成栽培的配套品种,以拉长半促成栽培草莓的果实成熟期。

    Todia , Darselect , Guinugan and Red Ruby were suitable for complementary system cultivars in semi forcing culture , which could prolong the date of maturing of strawberry fruits in semi forcing .

  29. P、K的浓度在果实近成熟期,随着糖分的增高而升高。

    The contents of P and K tended to increase with the increase of sugar in the near-mature period .

  30. 果实发育成熟期前P>Mg,果实发育成熟期P与Mg相近。

    P content is similar to Mg in fruit mature period , before which it is P > Mg .