
  • 网络University of Madrid;Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  1. 现在我们都把范围缩小到马德里大学。

    Now that we 've narrowed it down to the University of madrid .

  2. 马德里大学的专家在约1000名青少年当中开展了测试,发现那些喜欢熬夜的青少年表现出与显赫工作和高收入相关的才智。

    Experts from the University of Madrid carried out tests on around 1,000 teenagers and found that those who preferred to stay up late demonstrated the kind of intelligence associated with prestigious jobs and higher incomes .

  3. VictorRubio是马德里自治大学人类行为学专家。

    Victor Rubio is an expert on human behavior at the Autonomous University of Madrid .

  4. 她曾就读于英国的寄宿学校,后赴马德里上大学,嫁给埃贡•冯•弗斯滕伯格王子(PrinceEgonvonFurstenberg),夫妇俩在年纪轻轻的她已有身孕时移居纽约。

    Boarding school in England precedes university in Madrid before marriage to Prince Egon von Furstenberg and emigration , young and pregnant , to New York .

  5. 教授是马德里自治大学的经济学与经济发展教授。

    Javier ALFONSO-GIL is Professor of Economics and Economic Development at the Universidad Aut ó noma de Madrid .

  6. 西班牙最好的大学马德里康普鲁登斯大学

    University of Complutense in Madrid-The Best in Spain

  7. 马德里的阿尔卡拉大学的科学家还发现,古巴人体重回升后,糖尿病的发病率又再度猛增。

    The scientists from the University of Alcal á, in Madrid , also discovered that when Cubans put the weight back on , cases of diabetes surged again .

  8. 之后,马德里的马德里康普路坦斯,大学研究形而上学的教授,他是主持,他向大家介绍我。

    Afterwards , the professor of metaphysics at the Complutense , a big university in Madrid , who would introduce me , who was the host .