
zhì liànɡ jiān dū
  • quality supervision
  1. 基于Internet技术的交通基本建设质量监督系统的设计

    Design of the System of Quality Supervision in Traffic Infrastructure Based on Internet Technology

  2. 加入WTO后工程质量监督机构的发展趋势与监督模式的探索

    Trend of Construction Quality Supervision Institutions After China 's Entering WTO

  3. 加入WTO后中国建筑质量监督体制面临的挑战

    The challenges faced by Chinese building quality supervision system after entering WTO

  4. 应用Excel自动生成产品质量监督检验报表

    Excel Application on Product Quality Inspection Report

  5. 本文主要研究的是MIS系统中营销管理层的质量监督系统。

    This article mainly research into the quality surveillance system in the marketing management level of the management information system .

  6. 1998年长沙VCD视盘机质量监督检测结果简析

    The Analysis of 1998 VCD Quality Inspection in Changsha

  7. 今年6月份时,就有一位消费者向中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(GeneralAdministrationofQualitySupervision,InspectionandQuarantine)提出投诉,但没有提供详细情况,因此质检总局并未调查此事。

    Then in June , a consumer complained to China 's General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine but gave no detailed information , so the agency didn 't investigate the matter .

  8. 分析认为:(1)中国主要烟区推行GAP技术对从根本上解决中国多年来烟叶生产、管理、收购与质量监督的无序与混乱起到良好效果;

    It was considered that ( 1 ) Extending the technology of GAP in main bound we can resolve the confusion in the flue-cured tobacco production , purchase , and the quality oversee ;

  9. 600MW超临界机组直流锅炉水汽质量监督及控制

    600 MW Supercritical Unit Once-through Boiler Water-vapor Quality Monitoring and Control

  10. 其中,质量监督控制水平及有效性和工程款支付决策是BT甲方的决策变量,质量预防控制水平是BT乙方的决策变量。

    In the models , quality supervise level and money payment variables for contract are decided by BT project owner , quality prevention level variables for contract are decided by BT contractor .

  11. 在此背景下,平阴供电公司适时地提出了建设平阴电力营销管理信息(MIS)系统的任务,并提出要求建设针对营销系统进行监督控制的质量监督系统。

    In this background , the Pingyin electricity company proposed to construct the electricity marketing management information system at the right moment , and to construct the quality surveillance system to control the marketing system .

  12. 探讨了客车造型、低中档车开发、CAD技术应用、质量监督、可靠性攻关等众所关注的问题和政策。

    Meanwhile some interested problems and policies in bus development , such as bus styling , research and design of low and medium claas buses application of CAD techniques , quality control and promotion of reliability , etc. , are also discussed .

  13. 结论:培养科学的研究态度、加强培训力度、严格遵守GCP规范、加强质量监督与管理是提高我国药物临床试验实施质量的重要手段与途径。

    Conclusion : The important measures of improving the quality of clinical trials include fostering scientific attitudes , enhancing training quality , compl - ying with GCP and strengthening supervision .

  14. “中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)”是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权唯一在我国进行实验室认可的权威组织。

    " China National Accreditation ( CNAS )" by the State Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and quarantine authorized only in our laboratory accreditation authority .

  15. 深圳市质量监督局宝安分局综合楼屋面构造复杂,主要包括2个跨度5郾2m、悬挑高度2郾4m的圆弧大挑檐。

    In the complex building of Baoan Branch of Shenzhen Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau , the roofing structure is complicated , mainly composed of 2 big arc projecting eaves with span of 5,2m and overhanging height of 2,4m .

  16. 根据ISO17025中有关实验室质量监督工作要求,分析讨论了实验室质量监督工作中重视不够的一些问题。

    According to the work requirement of the related laboratory quality surveillance in ISO17025 , this paper analyzed and discussed the issued ignored in the laboratory quality surveillance .

  17. 提高质量监督管理水平推进市政行业快速发展

    Improving Quality Supervision Management Level and Advancing Municipal Industry Quick Development

  18. 天河有严格的内部质量监督体系。

    TianHe has strict system for the controlling of internal quality .

  19. 煤矿建设工程质量监督与控制研究

    Study of the Coal Mine Construction Engineering Quantity Direct and Control

  20. 浅述我国建设工程质量监督机制的产生与发展

    The Emergence and Development of Quality Supervision System in Construction Programs

  21. 建设工程质量监督体制改革的研究

    Researches on the Reform of Quality Supervision System about Construction Projects

  22. 影响水利工程质量监督职能发挥的主要原因及对策

    Main reasons affect quality monitoring function of water projects and measures

  23. 山西省首饰质量监督检验工作的探索

    Exploration of Jewelry Quality Supervision and Examination Work in Shanxi Province

  24. 加强土工合成材料质量监督检验的必要性与紧迫性

    Importance and Urgency of Strengthening Supervision and Test of Geo-Synthetic Materials

  25. 报装流程的计算机质量监督管理

    Supervisory Quality Management about Computer for the process of Installation Requisition

  26. 国家武汉医用超声波仪器质量监督检测中心

    China Wuhan Quality Supervision & Testing Center for Medical Ultrasound Equipment

  27. 钢质天然气管道工程施工控制要求和质量监督

    Controlling Requirements & Quality Monitoring on Steel Natural Gas Line Construction

  28. 国家家用电器质量监督检验中心转位中心架和工件自动装卸器

    National Centre of Quality Supervision and Testing of Household Electric Appliances

  29. 树立科学发展观推进质量监督工作

    On establishment of scientific development value and improvement of quality supervision

  30. 建成广东省食品质量监督检验中心。

    Establish Guangdong Province foodstuff quality supervision and inspection center .