
  1. 为了解膝骨性关节炎(膝OA)患者生存质量及其证候分布关系,对204例膝退行性骨关节病患者进行一般情况、生存质量流行病学调查。

    In order to explore the relationship between quality of life ( QOL ) and TCM syndromes of degenerative knee osteoarthritis ( KOA ), epidemic investigations were made on the general conditions and QOL of 204 cases of KOA .

  2. 生存质量与证候之间关系示瘀血证、寒痹证对QOL的影响有统计意义(P<0.05),瘀血证除物质维度影响无统计意义外,其余各方面影响均有统计意义,且均呈负相关关系;

    The relationship between QOL and TCM syndromes showed that only blood-stasis and cold-arthralgia syndromes among all the syndromes influenced QOL with a statistical significance ( P < 0.05 ); the blood-stasis syndrome had a statistically-significant influence on all the dimensions except the substantial one , being negatively correlated ;

  3. 1998年,获得蓄电池产品出口质量许可证;

    In1998 , access to export quality permit battery ;

  4. 产品均获得国家生产许可证、质量合格证、产品备案证等。

    Products have received production permit , quality certification , product registration card .

  5. 美国空气质量许可证制度及其启示

    American Air Quality License System and Its Inspiration

  6. 中国纺织总会为16种纺机产品颁发出口质量许可证

    16 Textile Machinery Products Received a Quality License for Export from China National Textile Council

  7. 兽药出厂应当附有产品质量合格证。

    A veterinary drug that leaves the manufacturing plant shall bear a certificate of quality .

  8. 如我集团公司中标,我方承诺在本工程配备足够的有质量检查证的质量检验工程师。

    We commit to allocate enough quality inspection engineers with quality inspection certificate if our Corporation wins the tender .

  9. 由生产厂家签发的质量合格证正本一份、副本五份;

    One ( 1 ) original and five ( 5 ) duplicate copies of ex-works quality certificate issued by the manufacturer ;

  10. 电梯制造单位对出厂的电梯,应当提供国家规定的产品质量合格证等证明文件以及有关安全使用的警示说明或者警示标志。

    A lift-manufacturing unit shall provide the State-set certificates such as the product quality certificate and warning instructions , warning signs or marks for safe use .

  11. 分别有39.92%、20.47%、12.87%、98.25%的论文未描述年龄、体重、性别、质量合格证;

    Respectively 39.92 % , 20.47 % , 12.87 % and 98.25 % of the theses failed to describe the age , weight , gender , sex and certificate of quality conformity ;

  12. 绝经后骨质疏松症生存质量和中医证型的初步研究

    The survival quality in postmenopausal osteoporosis and its TCM syndromes typing : a primary study

  13. 消毒设施先进、可靠,检测手段完善,为产品的质量提供合格证。

    Disinfection facilities advanced , reliable means of improving detection , for the quality of the products provide certification .

  14. 因此需要进一步的高质量的循证医学证据来证实患者能否从新辅助治疗中获益,以期提高胰腺癌的治疗水平。

    Therefore more high-level evidence-based medical researches are expected to evaluate the value of neoadjuvant therapy of pancreatic cancer .

  15. 观察治疗前后病人入睡时间、睡眠质量及中医证候的变化情况。

    Observed before and after treatment of patients with Sleep time and sleep quality , changes in traditional Chinese medicine syndromes .

  16. 提升医学编辑素质,提高临床研究质量&循证医学与医学杂志编辑高级研修班小结

    Improving Clinical Trial Quality by Enhancing Competent Quality of Medical Editors & Summary of Workshop on Evidence-Based Medicine for Medical Editors

  17. 本文分析了出现这一结论的原因主要是由于目前针灸治疗偏头痛的临床研究的方法学质量与循证医学的检验标准之间的差异所造成的。

    This article made an analysis and considered the conclusion is due to the disparity between methodology quality of current acupuncture for migraine clinical research and the criteria of EBM .

  18. 以睡眠情况评分(匹兹堡睡眠量表质量指数,中医证候评定)及其改善值作为主要评价指标。

    The sleep condition was evaluated by scale score and its improvement with Pittsburgh sleep quality index ( PSQI ) scale and traditional chinese syndrome after treatment .

  19. 具有由州级机构或国家专业或技术协会核准颁发的,工程科学或质量保证专业资格证:两(2)分。

    For certification of competency in engineering science or quality assurance specialists issued and approved by a State Agency or National Professional or Technical Society : score two ( 2 ) credits .

  20. 公司已获得ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证,并取得《出口产品质量许可证》。

    We have ped the international quality certification ISO9001-2000 and have attainted permission certificate of export .

  21. 该系统接受各指标多种测定方法的原始数据,经误差判别、等级划分、种子质量的综合分析等运算和处理,最后打印出《林木种子质量检验证》。

    The system can take in all original data of each index and examining method and at last print out examination certificate of tree seed quality according to differentiation of error rate , delimitation of grade and synthetical analysis of seed quality ia computer .

  22. 论述了当前医院质量管理的研究热点:病例分型管理、医院质量实时控制、临床路径、ISO9000质量体系认证、持续质量改进、循证医学、主诊医师负责制等。

    This article describes the current research focuses in hospital quality management , including case classifying management , hospital quality real-time control , clinical pathway , ISO9000 quality system verification , continuous quality improvement , evidence-based medicine and physician-in-charge responsibility system , etc.