
tǒnɡ jì tuī duàn
  • statistical inference
  1. 本文介绍了一种实用的、基于大量计算的统计推断方法&PermutationTest。

    Permutation test , a statistical inference methodology , was introduced and illustrated in the practical business .

  2. 统计推断中的Fuzzy信息

    Fuzzy Information in Statistical Inference

  3. 非参数固定效应PANELDATA模型的统计推断

    Statistical Inference on Nonparametric Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models

  4. 在统计推断方面,我们采用PosteriorOddsRatio进行模型比较。

    And the statistical inference is made based on Posterior Odds Ratio .

  5. F分布与物种总数的统计推断

    F-Distribution and Statistical Inference of Total Number of A Species

  6. 具有偏正态随机扰动项AR模型的统计推断

    Statistical Inference for the AR Models with Skew Normal Distributions

  7. 基于统计推断的P2P信誉评估机制

    P2P Reputation Estimation Based on Statistic Inference

  8. 一般δ-冲击模型中无失效数据的Bayes统计推断

    Bayes Statistical Inference on General δ - Shock Model with Zero-Failure Data

  9. 研究序约束条件下自回归条件异方差(ARCH)模型的统计推断。

    This paper deals with the statistical inference of an autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity ( ARCH ) model under restriction .

  10. 在Bayes统计推断中后验概率关于试验构成半群

    In Bayes Statistical Inference , the Posterior Probability about Experiments Make Up Hemigroup

  11. Pareto分布参数的统计推断及其应用

    Statistical Inference about Parameter of Pareto Distribution and It 's Application

  12. 广义Gamma过程的统计推断

    The Statistical Inference for Generalized Gamma Processes

  13. 三参数WEIBULL分布的统计推断

    Statistical inference for the three - parameter Weibull distribution

  14. 多台系统Weibull过程的Bayes统计推断方法

    Bayes Statistical Inference Procedures for Multi-System Weibull Process

  15. 统计推断约束下响应曲线的自适应Padé插值逼近

    Adaptive , accurate and fast approximation of response curve using the Pad é interpolation and statistic inference

  16. 在Easson和Russell由生存曲线平行判断统计学治愈的视觉估计方法启发下,本文提出与之对应的统计推断方法:条件生存概率检验。

    A test on conditional probability of surviving is proposed .

  17. 基于NA样本Weibull分布族和非指数分布族参数的Bayes统计推断问题研究

    The Empirical Bayes Statistical Inference Problems of Parameter for Weibull Distribution Families and Nonexponential Distribution Families under NA Samples

  18. 目的:解决世界健康调查(WorldHealthSurvey,WHS)数据中的数据缺失问题,进行更加有效的统计推断。

    Objective : To solve the problem of missing data in the World Health Survey dataset and draw valid inferences with multiple imputation ( MI ) technique in data analysis .

  19. 基于R-R技术的腐败程度统计推断

    Statistical inference of corruption degree based on R-R technique

  20. 方法用专家-参考文献法、BAYES统计推断法、专家-测量资料法分别估算了某橡胶厂搪浆车间、成型车间空气中苯的浓度。

    Methods Expert-reference , BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were separately used to estimate benzene concentration in a slurry-applying workshop and modeling workshop of a rubber factory .

  21. OD调查的目的是利用调查所得的OD数据对样本总体的均值作出统计推断。

    The purpose of OD investigations is to make statistical estimation of the average value of the samples based on the OD data obtained .

  22. JM模型的统计推断

    Statistical Inference in J-M Model

  23. 将Bayesian统计推断理论引入证券投资基金业绩评价过程,提出一种从投资者角度评价基金业绩的Bayesian方法。

    The paper specially introduces the theory of Bayesian Statistical Inference into performance evaluation procedure for securities investment funds and proposes a Bayesian method of performance evaluation from an investor'perspective .

  24. 最近的研究表明,不同的滞后长度选择方法对ADF检验的统计推断影响很大。

    Previous research indicated that different leg length selection models affect a lot on the statistical inference of ADF test .

  25. 许多实际问题要求对多元正态总体np(μ,∑)的μ和∑进行统计推断。

    In a lot of backgrounds , we are required to give statistical inference of μ and Σ , which are parameters of multivariate normal population N_p (μ,Σ) .

  26. 最后,探索模型中参数估计的统计推断,研究了随机化Logistic方程中的参数的极大似然估计的渐近性,相合性,并对参数作了假设检验。

    At last , statistical decision problems of the estimation of the parameters will be explored for randomized Logistic equations , asymptotic properties , consistency and hypothesis testing of MLEs of parameters are studied .

  27. 在有异常值的数据中,Bootstrap样本可能比原有样本含有更高的污染,这会降低所要做的统计推断的有效性。

    For the data with outliers , Bootstrap samples may contain more " pollution " than original samples and reduce the validity of our statistical deduction .

  28. 经验似然是Owen(1988)提出的一种非参数统计推断方法,这一方法与经典的或现代的统计方法比较有很多突出的优点。

    The empirical likelihood method of Owen ( 1988 ) is a nonparametric method of inference . The method gains an advantage over the classical or the modern .

  29. 结论BAYES统计推断法和专家-测量资料法评估方法正确性较好;如果没有测定资料,可采用专家-参考文献评估法,但主观性较强。山西地震震级概率分布的Ω法统计推断

    Conclusion BAYES statistics and expert-measurement were precise and expert-reference was candidate if no measurements in spite of its subjectivity . Statistical Inference of the Magnitude Probability Distribution of Shanxi by Making Use of Ω Method

  30. 随后,它会运用统计推断的方法,在其所发现的信息片段之间建立联系,甚至为对症治疗给出建议。全美大约有45万名内科医生正在使用Nuance公司的软件。

    It then uses statistical inference to establish a connection between the pieces of information it discovers , even making suggestions about treatment .