
tǒnɡ jì biǎo
  • statistical table/chart/graph/etc.
  1. 他用统计表显示价格的波动。

    He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table .

  2. 最后测量各组织CT值,建立统计表并相互比较。

    The CT values of different tissues were measured to establish the statistical tables .

  3. CAD材料统计表运用层次模板技术的设计和实践

    Design and Practice of CAD MTO Using Layer Template Technique

  4. 在我那带有索引的案件统计表的B字栏里,你能找到几条有关这件事的摘记。

    You will find a few notes upon the matter under the heading B in my indexed list of cases .

  5. 一旦有人将所帖出的内容标记为是垃圾信息或是好的内容(有时又称为“ham”),统计表就会被更新。

    Whenever a person flags or confirms a posting as spam or good content ( sometimes called " ham "), the statistical tables are updated .

  6. 国产100mL摩托车统计表

    Statistics of Domestic 100 mL Motorcycles

  7. 例如,如果问题是死循环,UML序列图将会显示您在重复调用序列,统计表也会显示方法花费了很长的时间。

    For example , if the problem is an endless loop , the UML sequence diagrams show you repeating sequences of calls , and statistical tables show methods that take a long time .

  8. 下面二行是进行设置统计表(PS,TPS,模式)这二行是从微软的演示例子程序中抄来的。

    The next two lines set up the statistics ( FPS , TPS , mode ) . This code was basically stolen from Micro $ oft 's demo programs .

  9. 方法采用编程的方式从数据库提取数据,把数据转换为EXCEL形式并整理成符合医院发展需要又简单易看的统计表。

    Methods Data were picked up from the database by programming . And then the data were transfered into Excel format , forming the statistics tables that are easy to used and fit the needs of the hospital .

  10. 方法用自制自杀未遂统计表逐项填写临床资料,并用CCMD-3诊断标准进行回顾性诊断。

    Methods To collect the patients ' clinical data with a statistical table made by ourselves and to do retrospective diagnosis with CCMD-III.

  11. 为了使用ADDM精确诊断数据库的性能问题,统计表必须是可用的。

    To accurately diagnose performance problems with the database using ADDM , statistics must be available .

  12. 并在这两种方法的基础上,提出了构建不同的数据结构,定长子串统计表和变长子串统计表,详细记录两种方法各自扫描shotgun集合所得到的信息。

    This paper proposes detailed algorithms with different data structures , definite-sized substrings statistical table and variable-sized substrings statistical table , which organize perfectly the information of scanning the shotgun data set by different path .

  13. 默认情况下,统计表收集数据每小时都在重复,生成AWR快照(快照是特定时间的数据集,可以被用来进行性能对比)。

    By default , the statistics gathering process repeats every hour and results in an AWR snapshot , which is a set of data for a specific time that is used for performance comparisons .

  14. 1995~2003年集体商标、证明商标申请和注册统计表

    Statistics of Applications and Registrations of Collective and Certification Marks 1995-2003

  15. 中学生对统计表的理解能力的研究

    A Study of Secondary School Students ' Comprehension on Statistical Table

  16. 柏拉图统计表在护理服务质量评价中的作用

    Application of Pareto 's Statistical Table in Nursing Quality Evaluation

  17. 篮球比赛得分算胜率统计表。

    Basketball game winning score statistics count-Basketball game winning score count statistics .

  18. 网络多媒体教学在《统计表和统计图》中的应用

    The application of wcai in table and chart of statistics

  19. 水质监测成果年特征值统计表的自动化计算

    Automatization Calculation of Statistics for Annual Eigenvalue of Water Quality Monitoring Achievements

  20. 根据智慧统计表我最近被甩的机率已破表了

    stat-wise my dump ratio is off the charts lately .

  21. 森林资源规划设计统计表的生成系统

    Study on the Creation System of Forest Resources Programming Statistics

  22. 2003年度按类申请和注册商标统计表

    Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations Sorted out According to Class in 2003

  23. 这个集团在联合王国收入统计表上已接近最高点了。

    This group is already near the top of the UK income scale .

  24. 点击“历史”,在统计表上看到先前版本。

    Click the " history " tab at top to see previous versions .

  25. 在运行测试前创建统计表。

    Create the statistics tables before running tests .

  26. 2003年度外国(地区)在华商标申请统计表

    Statistics of Foreign Trademark Application Filed in 2003

  27. 我是来收你们的人口统计表的。

    I 've come for your census form .

  28. 时间模型统计表能够评估花费在数据库上的不同类型操作所需要的时间。

    Time model statistics measure the time spent in the database by operation type .

  29. 汇编有关我们之用户之整体统计表;

    To compile aggregate statistics about our users ;

  30. 填写月时间统计表。

    Fill in the monthly summery time sheet .