
  • 网络The three sisters
  1. 三姊妹联合起来反对哥哥。

    The three sisters allied against their elder brother .

  2. 那三姊妹的演出非常成功。

    The three sisters ' show was a sock .

  3. 三姊妹都熟写小说的技巧。

    The three sisters is all well versed in the mechanism of novel write .

  4. 山上有三姊妹峰,文特沃思瀑布等风景点。

    There are such scenic spots as the Three Sisters Peak and Wentworth Falls .

  5. 最糟的是,当你们三姊妹不得不自谋出路的时候,人人都确信你会是最先失败的一个。

    Everyone knows you are the one who will fail first , and worst , if the three of you set out to seek your fortunes .

  6. 问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来&简论《日出》对《三姊妹》戏剧艺术的借鉴

    How Can it Be so Clear and Cool , for Water Fresh Comes from its Source & Simply Discourse that sunrise Draws Lessons from the Drama of three elder and younger sisters

  7. 三种姊妹染色单体直接染色分化方法

    Three simplified methods for direct differential staining of sister chromatids

  8. 下主日为本会定期的圣礼典主日,除了各位准备心一起守圣餐外,也将为陈娟、叶佳、唐家佳三位姊妹施洗,以及献儿礼。

    The church will observe Lord 's supper next Sunday along with baptism for3 sisters and child dedication for2 infants .

  9. 鲁普斯基的三个姊妹都发生有这种变异,而他的另外四位健康的姊妹及其父母(他们都未发病)仅仅是携带变异基因。

    Lupski 's three sick siblings also had both of these mutations , whereas his four healthy siblings and parents ( who do not have the disease ) carried only one mutated gene .

  10. 因为他们三人是兄弟姊妹,同样值得我们尊崇和记念。

    For the three of them together have a unique claim to be honoured and remembered .