
sān lún chē fū
  • pedicab-driver
  1. 蔡伟卖过香烟、冰棍,也当过三轮车夫。

    Cai Wei once sold cigarettes , ice-cream and worked as pedicab driver .

  2. 早在2008年,那时还是三轮车夫的蔡伟就已经在古汉字研究上小有成就。

    In 2008 , Cai Wei who was working as a pedicab driver had already gained some accomplishments on ancient Chinese study .

  3. 各大在线媒体近日发布了一条名为“复旦将录取38岁三轮车夫为博士生”的新闻。

    Major online media has released news of " Fudan University ` s plan to recruit a38-year-old pedicab driver as a doctor " .

  4. “今年38岁,只有高中文化的三轮车夫考上了博士”&这并非一个简单的励志故事。

    A38-year-old , high school diploma turns from a pedicab driver to a University doctor ; this is not just a simple inspirational story .

  5. 一名在菲律宾中部的一处教堂外观看了这场比赛的45岁三轮车夫RolandPurificacion对比赛结果感到失望,但是他又说出了很多菲律宾人的心声,他说“帕奎奥依然是菲律宾人的冠军。他仍然是我们的英雄。”

    Roland Purificacion , a 45-year-old pedicabdriver who watched the fight on a huge television screen outside the QuiapoChurch in central Manila , was disappointed but spoke for many of hiscompatriots when he said Pacquiao " is still the people 's champ . He is stillour hero . "