
  1. 在古代礼仪法的沿革发展史上,汉魏晋时代具有特殊而重要的地位。

    Han-Wei-Jin time had a special and important position in the development of ancient ceremony law .

  2. 谦敬词语包括谦敬称谓和谦敬副词,合乎古代礼仪的规范,是礼仪文化的反映。

    Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb , and they were the reflection of etiquette culture .

  3. 中国古代礼仪是发生在世俗世界的神圣叙事,在仪式的背后,隐匿着潜在的神话信仰和神话思想。

    The manners and rites of ancient China are the sacred narration , which happened in the earthly world .

  4. 《礼记》一书侧重于阐明中国古代礼仪的作用和意义。

    Book of Rites is a works that emphasizes particularly on interpreting action and meaning of propriety in ancient China .

  5. 它位居五礼之首,是古代礼仪法的重要组成部分,受到历代统治者的高度重视。

    They are important components of ancient law of ceremony and propriety , are highly respected by dominators of all dynasties .

  6. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  7. 在开展道德讲堂时继承古代礼仪的内涵,构筑起比较良好的文化内核。

    When carrying out moral lecture it is vital to inherit ancient ritual connotation in order to build a relatively good cultural core .

  8. 冠服礼仪是中国古代礼仪法制的重要组成部分,受到历代统治者的高度重视。

    The dressing etiquette is an important part of the etiquette legal system in ancient China , and was paid much attention to by the governors .

  9. 中国古代礼仪制度自创建之始便成为统治者治理天下的工具,礼仪服饰则是一个重要的载体。

    Ritual system in ancient China since its establishment has become a governance tool of rulers in controlling the world , and the ceremonial costume was an important carrier .

  10. 礼志部分是史书中的重要组成部分,但不少整理者对古代礼仪制度等缺乏了解,出现的问题更多。

    The Records of Rite part is an important part of history books , but many of those who organize the system of the ancient rituals lack of understanding of problems more .

  11. 源远流长的中国古代礼仪是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,尽管它在历史的演进过程中发生过一些变化或改进,但它始终对中华传统文化和民族生活产生着深刻影响。

    The Chinese ancient ceremony with a long history is an important part of Chinese culture . Although it has changed and developed a bit during the course of developing history it has profound influence on Chinese traditional culture and national life .

  12. 本文通过对古代礼仪礼俗文化的概述,结合电视剧《甄嬛传》中对礼的演绎,将礼文化分为礼仪、礼俗、礼乐、礼制。

    In this paper , through an overview of ancient etiquette etiquette and custom culture , combined with the TV series " enrollment biography " of " ritual " deduction ," Li " culture , custom , etiquette is etiquette , etiquette .

  13. 李斌是另一部宫廷剧《甄嬛传》礼仪指导张晓龙的弟子。张晓龙在北京中央戏剧学院教授古代礼仪,李斌作为他的学生,对中国古代的礼仪也是了如指掌,张口即来。

    As the disciple of Zhang Xiaolong , the etiquette consultant of another costume phenomenon ( The Legend of Zhenhuan ) , Li is no less professional in being precise with the ABCs of ancient Chinese etiquette as his master has taught him at The Central Academy of Drama in Beijing .

  14. 世界各民族的戏剧,都可在其古代祭祀礼仪中的歌舞表演那儿找到源头。

    Most of the dramas all over the world originated from ancient songs and dances in fiestas .

  15. 二十世纪八十年代以前,我国礼学研究最为关注的领域是古代的礼仪、名物和相关典籍的考订与整理。

    The researches of ritual science in China paid mostly close attention to domain of ceremonies and propriety , names and descriptions of things , examining and correcting of ritual books before the 1980s .

  16. 中国古代弟子礼仪是指古人在少儿时期所要学习并遵守的关于事亲、敬长、衣冠、饮食等一系列日常生活中的言行规范。

    Disciple etiquette in Ancient China is the words and deeds specification , which is about serving parents , respecting for elders , dressing and diet , respected by the children in daily life .

  17. 吸收古代和西方礼仪文化中的积极因素;

    We should also absorb positive factors of ancient and western protocol culture .

  18. 古代冠服礼仪的法律规制

    The Legal Regulation on the Ancient Dressing Etiquette

  19. 首先,你应该知道,跆拳道源于东方古代武术,讲究礼仪是一条非常重要的原则。

    First you should know that taekwondo was derived from the ancient oriental martial arts , and courtesy is a very important tenet .

  20. 事实上有许多细节都值得一谈,虽然原著是建立在架空历史的背景上,但是电视剧却真实地还原了中国古代的服饰和礼仪。

    There is actually a long list of things worth talking about . Though based on a novel without a specific historical background , the show goes out of its way to accurately portray the clothing and even etiquette followed in ancient China .