
  • 网络Songdo
  1. 紧与松都是相对的。

    " Loose " and " Tight " are relative .

  2. 不同紧凑株型玉米灌浆特性比较紧与松都是相对的。

    Comparison of Grain filling Characteristics In Different Tight Plant Type Corn Hybrids .

  3. 告诉某些人有菜叶粘在他的牙齿上,或者纽扣松了都是很让人尴尬的事。

    Telling someone they have a bit of lettuce sticking to their teeth or that their fly is open is equally embarrassing for both parties .

  4. 外层反转节距为500mm,内层为350mm,外护层剥离长度为700mm,两层的松线长度都大于20mm,同时可得到优良的传输损耗。

    The reverse pitch was 500 mm for external layer and 350 mm for internal layer . By removing the cable jacket for 700 mm , ribbon stack length of more than 20 mm were obtained for both layers . And good initial transmission loss was also obtained .

  5. 云应用程序安全性会对特定的特征产生重大影响:多租户、并行性和松耦合性都会增加安全性需求。

    Cloud application security impacts certain characteristics strongly : Multi-tenancy , parallelism , and loose coupling introduce additional security needs .

  6. 外科医生举起他的松,看都不看就射击,把鸟击落后就转向病理学家说:

    The surgeon raises his gun and shoots almost without looking , brings the bird down , and turns to the patholoogist and says ,

  7. 《亚洲名人聊天室》摩根·尼尔:我们看到铃木一郎、松井、松板在美国都打得非常好。

    MORGAN NEILL , TALK ASIA : We 've seen Ichiro , Matsui , Matsuzaka have great success playing in the United States .

  8. 试验表明,只要采用正确的施工工艺和参数,采用低能量强夯法和无填料振冲法加固饱和松细砂地基都能取得显著效果。

    Based on the successful in-situ experiment , it is verified both that low-energy dynamic compaction and vibroflotation without additional backfill materials are significantly efficient in strengthening silty and fine sands by using the suitable construction process and parameters .

  9. 纱线的弹性范围很宽,从伸长四倍仍可复原的纱到伸长较小但高膨松度的纱都可生产。

    Yarns are available in a wide range of stretch , from those that can be elongated up to 400 percent and still return to the original size to those with a small amount of stretch but with high bulk .

  10. 用这些林分因子可以把常灾区林地划分为4种类型,且这4类林地在天敌昆虫群落多样性、种数、个体数及松毛虫密度上都存在明显差异。

    The forest area was divided into four types according to the variation of canopy and vegetation conditions by using cluster analysis , there were significant differences in diversity index , species number , individual number of insect community and population density of pine caterpillar among four types of forests .