
sōng lín
  • Pine forest;pinewood;pinery;pinetum
松林[sōng lín]
  1. 全场一级森林景观共划分为7类景观要素,其中杉木林、阔叶林、竹林和松林是该区的主要森林景观要素类型。

    An entire audience level of forests landscapes altogether division is 7 kind of landscapes essential factors , Pine forest , the foliage forest , the bamboo grove and the pinery are this area main forest landscape essential factor type .

  2. 据意大利ANSA通讯社称,其他场景将在罗马有意大利的凡尔赛之称的卡赛特皇宫南部拍摄,而且在塞尔维亚和萨里的松林制片厂也有镜头。

    Other scenes will be shot south of Rome at the Royal Palace of Caserta , known as the Versailles of Italy , as well as in Serbia and at Pinewood studios in Surrey , according to Italian news agency ANSA .

  3. 从松林深处传来一声回响。

    Somewhere in the depths of the pine forest an identical sound reverberated .

  4. 我们急忙返回松林躲起来直到天黑。

    We cut back into the pine wood and hid there till it was dark .

  5. 基于RS、GIS的马尾松林分蓄积量判读模型研究

    Study on Interpreting Model of Pinus Massoniana Stand Volume Based on RS and GIS Technologies

  6. 马尾松林的土壤pH处于较强酸性到弱酸性之间,最低在3.85,属较强酸性土壤,最大也只有5.94,属弱酸性。

    The lowest was 3.85 , which belonged to the higher acidity , the minimum was just 5.94 , which belong to the low acidity .

  7. 为了估算鹿门寺林场马尾松林生物量,在利用GPS定位进行野外调查的基础上,设立样地,测定了鹿门寺林场的马尾松林的生物量。

    Based on field survey with GPS to fixed position , Pinus massoniana biomass in Lumensi forest farm were measured by setting up sample plots .

  8. 结果表明,阔叶红松林土壤CO2排放与表层无凋落物的土壤CO2排放速率在测定年度内具有相同的季节变化趋势。

    The results showed that there were similarly seasonal variation trends for soil CO 2 emission rates in soil and litter-free soil .

  9. 长白山阔叶红松林通量观测的footprint及源区分布

    Distribution of footprint and flux source area of the mixed forest of broad-leaved and Korean pine in Changbai Mountain

  10. 基于3S技术的松材线虫入侵前后马尾松林动态变化研究

    The Research on Dynamic of Pinus Massoniana Forest by Pine Wood Nematode Invasion Based on 3S Technology

  11. 本文利用ISSR技术,对辽宁地区天然红松林进行了遗传多样性的研究。

    The paper studied genetic diversity in Liaoning natural Korean pine populations with ISSR method .

  12. Harper的构件理论,对1-20a的人工马尾松林苗木的分枝率动态进行了研究。

    Harper ′ s modular theory , the bifurcation ratios of Pinus massoniana were studied .

  13. 松材线虫病(Pinewiltdisease)是一种森林毁灭性病害,对松林危害严重,传播蔓延极快,防治极其困难。

    Pine wilt disease is a devastating forest disease and has very serious harm to the Pine forest . It has spreaded fast , the prevention and treatment is extremely difficult .

  14. 采用静态封闭箱式技术对长白山阔叶红松林土壤CO2的排放通量进行1年的观测,并通过多元回归分析了土壤CO2排放速率与5个环境因子间的关系。

    The soil CO 2 emission fluxes in two treatments in the broad-leaved Korean pine ( Pinus koreansis ) forest of Changbai Mountain were evaluated with closed static chamber technique .

  15. 利用压力脉动模型对长白山阔叶红松林冬季土壤释放的CO2在雪层中的扩散过程进行模拟,进而估算土壤呼吸。

    The diffusion of CO2 released from soil through the snow layer in the broadleaved pine forests in Changbai Mountain was simulated with pressure-pumping models , and soil respiration was estimated .

  16. 利用CENTURY模型模拟兴安落叶松林的C循环并探讨全球变化对其C循环的影响。

    In order to provide a methodological demonstration for the study of C cycle in forest , the CENTURY model was applied to simulate the C cycle in Larix gmelinii forest and to approach the impact of global change on it .

  17. 采用静态密闭箱/气相色谱分析方法对长白山阔叶红松林两个样地的N2O排放通量进行了测定。

    The soil N 2O emission fluxes in the two plots of broad-leaved Korean pine forest were measured by static closed chamber-gas chromatograph in Changbai Mountain .

  18. 结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林25hm2样地内胸径≥1cm的木本植物共51个种,59158个活的个体。

    The results show that there are 51 woody species and 59 158 living individuals .

  19. 阔叶红松林净初级生产力对气候变化响应模拟基于IBIS模型的东北森林净第一性生产力模拟

    Modeling response of mixed Korean pine and broad-leaf forest to climate change Simulation of forest net primary productivity in northeastern China with IBIS

  20. 据此计算湿地松林的叶面积指数为5.03,马尾松林和杉木林为4.31,针叶混交林为4.77,该结果比利用CI110植被冠层数字图像仪测得的结果偏大。

    LAI was 5.03 for slash pine plantation , 4.31 for both masson pine plantation and Chinese fir plantation , and 4.77 for mixed coniferous plantation , all larger than that measured with CI-110 plant canopy digital imager .

  21. 通过调查林间喷洒Bt油悬浮剂后的非靶标生物种的种群数量,研究松林内昆虫群落多样性的变幅,并评价该生物农药的生态安全性。

    Through investigating population quantity of non-target biology after spraying Bt oil-based suspension agent in forest , we have researched change areas of diversity of insect community in pine forest and evaluated ecological security of biotic insecticide .

  22. 云南松(pinusyunnanensis)林林分结构和生长规律的初步研究马尾松林杆材阶段生物产量和径级分化及密度效应初探

    A Primary Study on the Structure of the Forest Stands of Forest of Pinus yunnanensis and the Regular Pattern of Its Development PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON BIOMASS , TIMBER DIFFERENTIATION AND DENSITY EFFECT OF MASSON , S PINE POLE STANDS

  23. 对长白山阔叶红松林2003年生长季的涡动相关实测时间序列进行了去倾修订与超声风速仪倾斜修订,并分析了不同修订方法对森林CO2通量计算值的影响。

    Detrending correction and sonic anemometer tilt correction were made to modify the raw time series measured from eddy covariance system in broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains during the growing season of 2003 , and the impact of different correction methods on CO 2 flux was analyzed quantificationally .

  24. 中度间伐措施对阔叶树和红松的生长均比较有利,10a生的阔叶红松林实施上层抚育的适宜间伐强度为45%左右;

    The intensity of mid-intermediate cutting was both favorable for the growth of broad-leaved trees and Pinus koraiensis , a upper story thinning intensity at about 45 % was suitable for 10-year broadleaved and Korean pine mixed forest ;

  25. 在黄土丘陵沟壑区选择典型植被油松林(pinustabulaeformis)、柠条(Caraganamicrophylla)、人工草地(Clover)、农田、荒地和裸地,对其土壤水分进行观测分析。

    The typical vegetation , such as Pinus tabulaeformis , Caragana microphylla , grassland ( Clover ), farmland , wasteland and bare-land , were selected in gully and hilly region of Loess Plateau . And the soil water of the vegetation was observed and analyzed .

  26. 本论文建立了LCFORSKA模型,并且应用该模型对红松、兴安落叶松林交错区在全球气候变化下的森林动态过程进行了预测。

    LCFORSKA model is established and applied to predict the forest dynamic process in the ecotone of Pinus koraiensis and Larix gmelini under the global climate change in the paper .

  27. 阔叶红松林现有倒木贮量开始为16.25t/hm2,以后随时间减少,到100a后分解掉其干重的85%左右,300a后所剩无几。

    The existing storage of fallen trees was 16.25 t / hm 2 in the initial stage , then the storage reduced , after 100 years , 85 % of the dry weight was decomposed and only a few left after 300 years .

  28. 各个垂直带鼠形小兽群落物种多样性指数分别为,Ⅰ云南松林及山坡耕作地带(2000~2650m)13814;

    The species diversity indexes of the vertical zones are as followings : 1 . Yunnan pine forest and cultivated area ( 2 ! 000 ~ 2 ! 650 ! m ): 1.381 ! 4 ;

  29. 湿地松林分间伐对材种结构的影响研究

    The thinning effect on log assortment structure in slash pine stand

  30. 地理位置对人工红松林木材材质变异的影响

    Effect of Different Site on Wood Quality of Pinus koraiensis Plantation