
  1. 只有风和树才会说谎。

    No more than the wind could lie , or a tree .

  2. 太七17这样,凡是好树都结善果,唯独坏树才结恶果。

    Mt.7:17 Even so every good tree produces good fruit , but the corrupt tree produces bad fruit .

  3. 他走到丛林中,直到发现了一棵倒下的一种阔叶树才停止了他的搜寻。

    He went into the jungle , searching until he found a fallen tree of a certain species of hardwood .

  4. 这款酒的第一个年份是1988年,因为只有满足了郝力克队伍所设定的最高品质标准,喜鹊树才被正式发布。

    First vintaged in1988 , Ravenswood is only released when the wine satisfies the very exacting quality parameters set by the Hollick team .

  5. 这棵紫杉原本是一棵雄树,去年,它发动了一些古老的基因,转变了性别,在秋天长出了两个雌树才长的浆果。

    Last year , the Fortingall yew , a male tree , called on some ancient genes and transitioned , producing two female berries in the autumn .

  6. 沉香树在感染真菌后,会生成树脂,最后结成沉香木并散发独特、浓烈的香味。这时的沉香树才有价值。

    The trees are really valuable only if infected with fungus that causes the creation of a resin that produces the sought-after agarwood and its unique , rich fragrance .