
shènɡ ān dōnɡ ní ào mǎ cì duì
  • San Antonio Spurs
  1. 在NBA征战了19个赛季后,圣安东尼奥马刺队的前锋蒂姆·邓肯于周一正式宣布退役。

    San Antonio Spurs forward Tim Duncan announced Monday his retirement after 19 seasons with San Antonio .

  2. 自由球员帕蒂-米尔斯已经与母队圣安东尼奥马刺队达成口头协议,签署为期4年,总价值5000万美元的合同,联盟的线人告诉ESPN。

    Free-agent guard Patty Mills has agreed to a four-year , $ 50 million contract to return to the San Antonio Spurs , league sources told ESPN .

  3. 圣安东尼奥马刺队第三次夺得NBA冠军

    The San Antonio Spurs Capture Third NBA Title

  4. 全美篮球男子职业联赛(NBA)圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)和美国橄榄球职业联盟(NFL)新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)也拥有类似的竞赛运作模式。

    Similar sports models include the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA and the New England Patriots in the NFL .

  5. 下面来看篮球,在迈阿密比赛中,圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)离赢得NBA决赛只有一步之遥。

    Next to basketball in Miami where the San Antonio Spurs are closing in on winning the NBA Finals .

  6. 帕克很幸运,能加入NBA最好的球队之一圣安东尼奥马刺队。

    Parker is fortunate to be playing for one of the National Basketball Association 's best teams , the San Antonio Spurs .

  7. 作为2001年NBA选秀大会上被圣安东尼奥马刺队选中的第28顺位球员,帕克曾说过,他的目标是打满20个赛季的篮球。

    The 28th overall pick by the San Antonio Spurs in the 2001 NBA draft , Parker had previously said his goal was to play 20 seasons .

  8. 另外,7月份NBA的决赛上,当地篮球队圣安东尼奥马刺队对阵迈阿密热火队的时候,两队的一些球迷都曾找到法瑞尔要求做一些篮球主题的发型。

    And when his local basketball team San Antonio Spurs played Miami Heat in the NBA finals in July , several fans of both teams came in requesting styles with basketball themes .

  9. NBA圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)球星托尼•帕克的名字近日频繁见诸各大报端头条。原因是他宣布在NBA停摆期间将以月薪2000美元转投一支法国篮球队。

    San Antonio Spurs star Tony Parker recently made headlines by announcing he 'd play for the French basketball team he partly owns during the NBA lock-out for $ 2,000 a month .

  10. 波波维奇带领圣安东尼奥马刺队五度夺得NBA总冠军,三获得NBA年度最佳教练奖,被广泛誉为近十年来NBA最佳教练。

    Popovich has won five NBA championships with San Antonio . He 's been named Coach of the Year three times and is widely regarded as the best NBA coach of the last decade or so .

  11. 目前,NBA教练组有四位女性成员,其中就包括贝基·哈蒙。2014年,哈蒙首开先河,受聘于圣安东尼奥马刺队,成为北美四大主流职业体育联盟的首位全职女性助教。

    Four women are currently on NBA coaching staffs , including Becky Hammon , who broke convention in 2014 when the San Antonio Spurs made her the first full-time , female assistant in any of the four major North American pro sports leagues .

  12. 圣安东尼奥马刺队及球迷高喊“Merci,Tony”(Merci法语,谢谢的意思),为帕克,庆祝退役9号球服。

    The San Antonio Spurs and their fans said " Merci , Tony " as they celebrated former star point guard Tony Parker 's career by retiring his No. 9 jersey .

  13. 六次入选全明星的保罗·加索尔曾在哈蒙执教的圣安东尼奥马刺队打球。去年,他在《球员论坛报》上发表了一封关于女性教练的公开信,称如果NBA球队对她担任主教练不感兴趣,这才奇了怪呢。

    Pau Gasol , a six-time NBA All-Star who played under Hammon in San Antonio , penned an open letter last year for The Players ' Tribune about female coaches and said it would only be strange if NBA teams were not interested in her as a head coach .

  14. 联盟有消息人士告诉ESPN,在欧文与骑士谈论的几种可能性当中,圣安东尼奥马刺队被认为是首选的目的地,同时欧文也愿意加盟纽约尼克斯,迈阿密热火和明尼苏达森林狼队。

    Among several possibilities discussed in Irving 's meeting with the Cavaliers , the San Antonio Spurs were raised as a preferred destination , league sources told ESPN . Irving said he 'd also be willing to join the New York Knicks , Miami Heat and Minnesota Timberwolves .

  15. 今晚圣安东尼奥马刺队将主场迎战卫冕冠军迈阿密热火队。

    The San Antonio Spurs will host defending champion Miami Heat tonight .

  16. 周四他们将坐阵主场迎战圣安东尼奥马刺队,周五对阵勇士队。

    They play San Antonio on Thursday at home and at Golden State on friday .

  17. 这恰恰是威金斯这赛季打圣安东尼奥马刺队颇为吃力的原因。

    Wiggins has struggled against the San Antonio Spurs this season precisely because of this .

  18. 在上个赛季输给圣安东尼奥马刺队的比赛中。他也曾14投1中。

    He also shot 1-of-14 in a loss last season to the San Antonio Spurs .

  19. 帕蒂-米尔斯,圣安东尼奥马刺队

    Patty Mills San Antonio Spurs

  20. 金州勇士队在周日晚上以92比86击败圣安东尼奥马刺队之后,创造了历史。

    History was made with the Golden State Warriors beating the San Antonio Spurs 92-86 on Sunday night .

  21. 圣安东尼奥马刺队的前锋科怀·伦纳德位居第二位,接下来的则是克利夫兰骑士队的前锋勒布朗·詹姆斯。

    San Antonio Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard was second in the voting , followed by Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James .

  22. 该网站报道,易建联在决定加入达拉斯小牛队之前,也曾考虑加盟金州勇士队和圣安东尼奥马刺队。

    Yi also considered joining the Golden State Warriors and San Antonio Spurs before deciding on Dallas , the website reports .

  23. 圣安东尼奥马刺队的托尼•帕克和华盛顿奇才队的新球员哈马迪•恩迪亚耶谈到他们作为外籍球员的感受。

    One of the veterans-San Antonio Spurs'Tony Parker-and a rookie-Washington Wizards'Hamady Ndiaye-talk about their respective experiences as foreigners in the NBA .

  24. 这位27岁的球员也在2014年与圣安东尼奥马刺队一起赢得拉里·奥布莱恩奖杯,从而获得了这一殊荣。

    The 27-year-old also walked away with the distinction in 2014 when he won the Larry O'Brien Trophy with the San Antonio Spurs .

  25. 圣安东尼奥马刺队周四宣布,前全明星球员迈克米切尔在和癌症做了长期斗争后不治身亡,享年55岁。

    Former NBA All-Star Mike Mitchell has died after a long battle with cancer at the age of55 , the San Antonio Spurs said on Thursday .

  26. 第二个赛季,他被交易到圣安东尼奥马刺队,并于2002年随队获得一枚总冠军戒指。

    He then won a championship ring with the San Antonio Spurs the next season after being traded to the team in the summer of 2002 .

  27. 圣安东尼奥马刺队的戴维·罗宾逊被尤他爵士队的卡尔·马龙击中头部晕倒后,现正在逐渐康复。

    David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs is recovering after being knocked unconscious after a Blow to the head by Utah Jazz 's Karl Malone .

  28. 休斯顿火箭经历了一场惨败,他们以75-114输给了圣安东尼奥马刺队,毫无反抗地结束了他们的季后赛之旅。而他们无所不能的全明星领袖面对溃败却几乎什么都没有做。

    The Houston Rockets crashed rockily into their offseason in a brutal 114-75 defeat , and their do-everything superstar managed to do little to stop their collapse .

  29. 其他球队,包括圣安东尼奥马刺队,他们仔细研究过签下康利所需付出的代价以及他到底有多大的出走意愿。

    Other teams , San Antonio among them , looked into what it might take to add Conley and just how interested he might be in moving .

  30. 去年夏天伦纳德拒绝了与圣安东尼奥马刺队的超级合同,虽然这是在他的交易请求之后提出的,但当时他已经下定决心。

    Leonard turned down a supermax extension with the San Antonio Spurs last summer , though it was offered after his trade request , when he 'd already made up his mind .