
  • 网络Santa Monica
  1. 沿海公路与这条高速公路在圣莫尼卡以北处岔开。

    The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica .

  2. 凯塞尔说:任何东西都是暂时的,尤其是市场价位。凯塞尔的公司名为AbacusWealthPartners,位于加州圣莫尼卡(SantaMonica)。

    ' Everything is impermanent , especially the market 's level , ' says Mr. Kessel , whose firm is Abacus Wealth Partners in Santa Monica , Calif.

  3. 她在2003年加入这家位于圣莫尼卡的工作室之前曾经在水晶动力公司(CrystalDynamics)参与过《灵魂掠夺者》(SoulReaver)和《凯恩的遗产》(LegacyofKain)等游戏的开发工作。

    Before joining the Santa Monica-based studio in 2003 , she worked at Crystal Dynamics on the Soul Reaver and Legacy of Kain titles .

  4. 他与5位员工在加州圣莫尼卡一间小办公室办公,主要工作是监督一家规模非常大的外部承包商,即ETS。

    He worked out of a small office in Santa Monica , Calif. with five employees who largely oversaw one very large external contractor , the Educational Testing Service .

  5. AtharOsama在美国加州圣莫尼卡的帕蒂兰德研究生院获得了科学和创新政策博士学位。

    Athar Osama holds a PhD in science and innovation policy from Pardee – RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica , California , USA.

  6. 公司宣布,计划关停Xbox娱乐工作室(XboxEntertainmentStudios)。这座工作室位于加州圣莫尼卡,专门用来打造在微软的电子游戏系统中播放的原创电视节目。

    The company said it planned to shut down Xbox Entertainment Studios , a group in Santa Monica , Calif. , that was dedicated to producing original television programming for viewing on Microsoft 's video game system .

  7. 他和演员妻子米歇尔·陈(MicheleChan)至少向圣莫尼卡的圣约翰医疗中心(SaintJohn’sHealthCenter)捐款1.35亿美元。他还帮助重新开放小马丁·路德·金社区医院(MartinLutherKingJr.CommunityHospital),为洛杉矶南部的穷人服务。

    He and his wife , Michele Chan , an actress , have given at least $ 135 million to Saint John 's Health Center in Santa Monica , and he has helped reopen Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital , which serves impoverished South Los Angeles .

  8. 美国加州圣莫尼卡市约翰韦恩癌症研究所的阿曼多朱利亚诺(armandogiuiliano)博士是这项研究的领导者。

    Dr. Armando giuiliano at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica , California , was a leader of the study .

  9. 我还想去海洋公园、圣莫尼卡海滩,还有

    I also want to see the Ocean Park , Santa Monica Beach and

  10. 来自洛杉矶圣莫尼卡,刚抵伦敦。

    LA , Santa Monica . Just arrived .

  11. 这儿离圣莫尼卡码头很近,旅馆也很气派!

    The hotel here is just beauiful .

  12. 圣莫尼卡和附近,包括第三街长廊,威尼斯海滩等等。

    Santa Monica and nearby , including Third Street Promenade , Venice Beach and more .

  13. 一个独特的视角,让花苞遮挡住加利福尼亚州的圣莫尼卡山脉的太阳。

    A unique perspective allows a flower bud in California 's Santa Monica Mountains to eclipse the sun .

  14. 当我买下球队时,我经常去圣莫尼卡的一间休闲吧。

    Right after I bought the team , I used to go into this little lounge in Santa Monica .

  15. 圣莫尼卡位于加利福尼亚南部,以它的长长的木码头和激情冲浪而闻名!

    Santa Monica is a city in Southern California well-known for its long wooden pier and excellent surfing waves !

  16. 他在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡市距前妻的住宅仅5个街区的一个电影院里首映了这部电影。

    And he premiered the movie in a theater five blocks from his ex-wife 's Santa Monica , California , home .

  17. 这几个学生每个星期都要到圣莫尼卡大学的一个教室聚会,交友,同时也是为了彼此之间的相互支持。

    Inside a classroom at Santa Monica College , a group of students meet once a week to make friends and for support .

  18. 但有关部门说,这是探员首次接到有关他在圣莫尼卡住所的情报,也是他们首次在那里实施监控。

    But this was the first time agents had received a tip about the Santa Monica location or pursued surveillance there , authorities said .

  19. 据巴西的《奥迪亚》报纸的一位专栏作家称,罗纳尔迪尼奥将在圣莫尼卡公寓的一个私人仪式上与这两名女子结婚。

    He will marry the two women at a private ceremony inside the Santa Monica condominium , according to a columnist from Brazil 's O Dia newspaper .

  20. 首先是北边几个街区的圣莫尼卡高速路上的交通,它是洛杉矶最繁忙的高速路之一。

    First is the traffic on the Santa Monica Freeway , several blocks to the north , one of the most highly trafficked freeway routes in Los Angeles .

  21. 一年后,纳什博士涉嫌猥亵暴露而在加州圣莫尼卡的一个男厕内被捕,并立即被兰德解雇。

    A year later , Dr. Nash was arrested for indecent exposure at a men 's restroom in Santa Monica , Calif. , and was immediately dismissed from Rand .

  22. 柴达木盆地与洛杉矶盆地在构造特征和演化主控因素等方面具有很大的相似性,其中阿尔金断裂带和圣莫尼卡断裂带构造活动特征非常相似,两者山前地区的构造背景也具有可比性。

    There is much comparability between the tectonic settings and their controlling factors of the Qaidam basin and the Los Angeles basin , especially the Altun Fault and the Santa Monica Fault Trend .

  23. 它仅适用于农产品市场,比如星期四的帕萨迪纳,星期六的克拉贝莎,圣莫尼卡和格伦代尔和星期日的比佛利山庄,圣莫尼卡,好莱坞以及欧亥。

    It is available only at farmers markets , including Pasadena on Thursday ; Calabasas , Santa Monica and Glendale on Saturday ; and Beverly Hills , Santa Monica , Hollywood and Ojai on Sunday .