
  1. 创建和管理Web数据库系统&在线英语测试系统

    Creation and Management of Web Database System ── English Test on the Net

  2. 在历届大学英语测试(CET)中,写作成为学生失分最多的项目。

    In national College English Test , many students get very low marks in the writing section .

  3. 对我国大学英语测试(CET)效度的研究是课题“公共英语测试体系调查与分析”的一个重要方面。

    The CET validity research is an important aspect of the study Investigation and Analysis of public English testing system .

  4. 本文详细地介绍了利用多媒体软件Authorware开发英语测试课件的具体步骤和方法,以期帮助对课件开发感兴趣的英语教师提高设计和制作测试课件的能力。

    This paper aims at helping instructors of English interested in testing courseware programming to improve their skills in this area and therefore takes a step-by-step approach to elaborating how to develop such multimedia courseware with Authorware .

  5. 英语测试中完形填空题的命题原则与测试效度研究

    On study of the principles in designing cloze and test validity

  6. 教学效果如何,则依靠英语测试来评估。

    The teaching effects depend on the estimate of English tests .

  7. 高职英语测试成绩的统计分析法运用

    Statistical Analysis on the Result of English Test in Professional College

  8. 我上次的英语测试考了满分。

    I got a perfect score on my last English test .

  9. 如何利用Authorware6.0制作多媒体英语测试课件

    How to Develop Multimedia Courseware for English Language Testing with Authorware

  10. 英语测试信度与效度的多维分析

    The Multi-analysis of the Reliability and Validity of the English Tests

  11. 谈大学英语测试蓝本制作

    On the Making of the Test Blueprint of College English

  12. 主体间性维度上的大学英语测试评价模式探讨

    A Study of Intersubjectivity in College English Assessment and Evaluation

  13. 我的英语测试拿了满分。

    I got a full mark in my English test .

  14. 我做了一些纰漏的英语测试。

    I made some careless mistakes in the English test .

  15. 阅读理解在英语测试中一直占有突出地位。

    Reading comprehension always occupies the prominent position in English language tests .

  16. 高校英语测试的现状与发展取向

    The current situation of college English test in China and its development

  17. 在英语测试中,对词汇直接或间接的测试占有相当重要的地位。

    Vocabulary testing is an important type of English testing .

  18. 英语测试写作题型效度分析

    An analysis of effectiveness of writing in English testing

  19. 大学英语测试中完型填空的设计研究

    A Study of Cloze Design in College English Tests

  20. 我们那天上午有英语测试。

    We had a quiz in English that morning .

  21. 英语测试类型及原则概述

    Summarization of the Types and Principles of English Tests

  22. 哈哈,我实在不敢相信我的英语测试得了A!

    Haha , I can not believe I got the English test A !

  23. 高职院校校内英语测试的思考

    Consideration of the English examinations in higher vocational colleges

  24. 大学英语测试中的口语测试

    A Discussion on Oral Test in College English Examination

  25. 新一轮课程改革初中英语测试与评价之我见

    My Views on English Language Testing and Assessing

  26. 另外,写作能力测试也是各种英语测试的重要部分之一。

    Meanwhile , writing is an important part in all kinds of English exams .

  27. 关于女大学生英语测试焦虑状态的研究

    Study on the Test Anxiety of the Female College Students in the ESL Testing

  28. 利用网络进行英语测试,效率将更高。

    English test with network will be effective .

  29. 为更好地提高教学效果,英语测试后,要对测试结果进行统计和分析。

    English teaching cannot be isolated from testing and the analysis of testing results .

  30. 英语测试改革令部分学生担忧

    Changes in English Test Have Some Students Worried