
  1. 河南济源桐花沟出土的汉代彩绘陶

    Colorful Pottery of Han Dynasty Unearthed from Jiyuan of Henan Province

  2. 我搬过一个小椅子,在桐花下闲坐。

    Out with a small chair , I seated myself leisurely under the tung flowers .

  3. 但只一会儿,风就大了起来,撕扯着桐花美丽的衣裙凌乱摇摆,风搅起地上的落花和沙尘,弥漫了整个街道。

    Only after a while , however , the wind was growing stronger , scraping and swinging the beautiful dresses of tung flowers to and fro in the air , and stirring up the fallen flowers and dust spreading all over the street .