
  1. 我一直在贵宾楼担任助理经理。

    I have been the Assistant Manager at the Grand Hotel .

  2. 华贵典雅&北京贵宾楼饭店明园餐厅

    Magnificence and Elegance & " Ming Yuan " Restaurant of Grand Hotel Beijing

  3. 某大酒店贵宾楼钢骨砼梁结构设计及应用

    The Reinforcing Steel Girder Structure 's Design and Its ' Application of a Hotel

  4. 北京友谊宾馆贵宾楼商务层和总统套间室内装饰工程回眸[上]

    Look back at the Inner Decoration Project of Executive Suite and Presidential Suite in Beijing Friendship Hotel ( I )

  5. 自即日起至8月31日,北京贵宾楼饭店倾情奉送豪华套房特惠活动。

    From now to the aug.31 , the Grand Hotel Beijing is delighted to offer you the special summer promotion for the deluxe suite .

  6. 纳西贵宾楼在主楼的背后,房子不高,它代表的是另一种高度。

    Located at the back of the main building , Naxi House is not high enough , but it really representatives another kind of " elevation " .