
zhǔ zhōu
  • cook congee
煮粥[zhǔ zhōu]
  1. 煮粥原理及其应用

    The Principle and the Applications of Cook Congee

  2. 煮粥原理及其在政府与市场经济中的应用

    The Principle of Cook Congee and its Application in the Government and the Market Economics

  3. 一天,他煮粥后忘了关火。

    One day , he forgot to turn off the fire after cooking porridge .

  4. 要得皮肤好,煮粥加红枣。

    Red date boiled in the porridge makes the cheeks red .

  5. 气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。

    Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique .

  6. 想着,走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。

    But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel .

  7. 速煮粥最佳生产工艺条件初探

    Initial Research into the Technological Conditions of Quick-Cooked Rice Soup

  8. 碾磨粗糙的带皮玉米粉,在美国南方煮粥做早餐。

    Coarsely ground hulled corn boiled as a breakfast dish in the southern United States .

  9. 随着时间的推移,这种习俗就传播出去了,尤其在农村,会用会用花生煮粥祈祷一年的好收成。

    With the passing of time the custom extended , especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way .

  10. 传说释迦牟尼在这一天得道成佛,因此寺院每逢这一天都要煮粥供佛。

    Legend enlightenment of Sakyamuni Buddha is also in the day , the temples have porridge every eighth day of the twelfth lunar month for worship Buddha .

  11. 中医很早就有“枸杞养生”的说法,很多人在生活中也喜欢用它泡水、煲汤或煮粥。

    Chinese wolfberry is " very early health ", a lot of people in the life also likes to use its bubble water , boil soup or porridge .

  12. 脱粒后的粟谷又可再加工成小米,除了一般焖饭、煮粥等直接食用外,小米还可制成各种干粮,也是酿酒作醋的重要原料。

    Can be further processed into Setaria italica Beauv * In addition to the general stew rice , porridge and other direct consumption , the Setaria italica Beauv . can also be made into a variety of field rations . It is also important raw material for wine and vinegar .

  13. n.粥他的祖父现年九十六,每餐她必须为他煮麦片粥。

    gruel Her grandfather is 90 years old , and every mealtime she has to prepare gruel for him by boiling oatmeal in water .

  14. 然后我们会煮玉米粥,而且我真的这样想,我会与你分享。

    Then we would cook cornmeal porridge , and I mean it , of which I 'll share with you .

  15. 在一次煮玉米粥时,我用叉子在沸腾的粥里翻搅,想看看粥好了没有。

    Once I was cooking some corn and stuck my fork in the boiling water to see if the corn was ready .

  16. 终于发现了一个老鼠洞,从中挖掘出豆、谷等各种粮食,煮成粥食用,觉得非常香甜。

    Finally found a rat hole , dig out the beans , grain and other food , Zhu Chengyu consumption , find it very sweet .

  17. 习惯上是要到家里吃boh-boh,这是一种由米饭和肉、香草混合煮成的粥。

    The custom is to go to the family home and eat boh-boh , boiled rice with some meat and herbs mixed in to make porridge .

  18. 吃饭吧,我煮了点粥。

    Come and eat . I 've made some gruel .

  19. 后来朱元璋做了皇帝,想起小时候吃那顿粥的味道,就命太监用各种粮食煮了一锅糖粥,欢宴群臣,后朝中文武百官争相效仿并传入民间,遂成了一种节日习俗。

    Later , the emperor made the emperor , thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton , he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge , feast courtiers , after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society , Sui Cheng A holiday customs .

  20. 从使用目的上看,铝的溶出量从高到低依次为:煮水、煮奶、煮粥和煮米饭。

    On the fact of using purpose , the aluminum dissolved quantity arranged from high to low as : boiling water , boiling milk , cooking porridge and cooking rice .

  21. 先煎萆?煮取汁,再与茯苓、苡仁、粳米同煮成粥。

    First decoct Bi ? is boiled take juice , boil congee together with tuckahoe , Yi benevolence , rice again .