
  1. 这也让《唐顿庄园》成为PBS有史以来收视最高的一部电视剧。

    That makes Downton the highest-rated PBS drama of all time .

  2. 这对儿是由《在唐顿庄园》里饰演司机TomBranson的艾伦里奇介绍认识的。

    For the couple were introduced by Allen Leech , who plays chauffeur Tom Branson in Downton .

  3. 据Deadline报道,嘉年华影业公司将会制作这部新剧,这家公司曾经联合制作一航英剧《唐顿庄园》。

    Carnival Films , the same company that co-produced Downton Abbey , is producing the new show , according to Deadline .

  4. 《浮华大饭店》被戏称为“西班牙唐顿庄园”,故事发生在1905年的西班牙,一直是电影公司BetaFilms海内外销量第一的剧。

    Dubbed " a Spanish Downton Abbey , " the original series , set in 1905 Spain , has been a top international seller for Beta Films .

  5. Bates,我的兄弟,欢迎来到唐顿庄园。

    Bates , my dear man . Welcome to Downton .

  6. 星期日,PBS台的“杰作”(Masterpiece)栏目将播放《唐顿庄园》的第六季,也就是最后一季。

    On Sunday , PBS 's " Masterpiece " will begin airing the show 's sixth and final season .

  7. 我们知道Tom有很多其他的选择,但在目前如果他得到(《唐顿庄园》中的)角色,那对他而言将是一个绝佳的机会。

    We know that Toms got a lot of other options at the moment but if he does get the role it will be an incredible opportunity for him .

  8. 最新数据显示,成千上万的父母开始用英剧《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中角色的名字为孩子取名。

    Thousands of parents are naming their babies after Downton Abbey characters , new figures have revealed .

  9. 又一个晚上要在一边叫外卖寿司、一边观看《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)的重播中度过。

    Another night spent ordering in sushi for one and mooning over ' Downton Abbey ' reruns .

  10. 另一位Twitter用户芭芭拉说,当书籍着火烧了整幢房子时,你就知道《唐顿庄园》是由Kindle赞助的了。

    Another Twitter user Barbara said : ' You know Downton is sponsored by a Kindle when a paperback sets fire to the house . '

  11. 咱们说说彭伯利庄园吧(Pemberley,达西的宅邸,与唐顿庄园相仿)。

    Let 's talk about Pemberley ( Darcy 's Downton-like home ) .

  12. 《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)女星劳拉·卡尔迈克尔(LauraCarmichael)在话剧契诃夫的经典之作《万尼亚舅舅》(UncleVanya)中奉献了精彩的西区首秀。

    Downton Abbey star Laura Carmichael gave an admirable performance for her West End debut in Chekhov classic Uncle Vanya .

  13. 剧中的重要角色“大表哥MatthewCrawley”首次当了父亲,但在出演了三季《唐顿庄园》后,饰演该角色的丹·史蒂文斯宣布告别。

    Actor Dan Stevens bowed out after three series as Matthew Crawley shortly after becoming a father for the first time .

  14. 欲知晓更多《唐顿庄园》的内容,请关注在2015年1月4日于美国PBS台上映的《唐顿庄园》第五季。

    For those who want even more " Downton Abbey , " the drama 's fifth season will debut in the U.S. on Jan. 4 on PBS 。

  15. PBS和ITV电视台周四正式宣布《唐顿庄园》第六季将会是这部剧的最后一季。

    PBS and ITV officially announced that Downton Abbey 's sixth season is going to be its last on Thursday ( March 26 ) .

  16. 酒店经理丹尼尔&12539;斯科特(DanielScott)说,在住客抵达时,酒店会向他们介绍唐顿庄园式的客房服务员、调酒师、泳池管理员和管家。

    When guests arrive , they are introduced to the housekeeper , bartender , pool person and butler in the style of ' Downton Abbey , ' hotel manager Daniel Scott says .

  17. Stevens扮演过最知名的角色是《唐顿庄园》中的MatthewCrawley,不过他的面孔不会出现在《未来青年》中。

    Stevens , best-known for playing the role of Matthew Crawley on Downton Abbey , will not actually be seen on The Tomorrow People .

  18. 然而,她的丈夫在《唐顿庄园第三季圣诞特辑》中因车祸而丧生,因为Matthew的扮演者DanStevens决定离开唐顿剧组。

    However , she lost her husband in a car crash in the Downton Christmas special , as actor Dan Stevens left the programme and his character Matthew behind .

  19. 在很多电影和电视剧中,秘密是引人入胜的情节推动器(《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)的粉丝们,你们懂的)。

    Secrets are tantalizing plot drivers in many a movie and TV show ( 'Downton Abbey ' fans , you know this ) .

  20. 将于今年下半年放送终季的《唐顿庄园》聘用了皇家评论员阿拉斯泰尔·布鲁斯为其担任历史顾问,但剧还是逃不过“鹰眼”女王发现众多BUG。

    Downton Abbey , which comes to an end later this year , has a royal commentator Alastair Bruce as its historical adviser , but the hawk-eyed Queen has spotted a number of errors 。

  21. 忘记楼上/楼下的区别吧,在今年的《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)圣诞特辑中,克劳利一家和他们的仆人将在不同的国度度过。

    Forget the upstairs / downstairs divide , this years Downton Abbey Christmas special will see the Crawleys and their servants living in different countries .

  22. 虽然目前还没有《唐顿庄园》第四季的消息,不过TVLine报道,《唐顿庄园》制作人正在寻找男演员扮演AnthonyGillingham一角,这个人物大概三十来岁,会来追求Mary。

    Though details are scarce about the upcoming season , TV Line reports that Downton Abbey producers are looking to cast Lord Anthony Gillingham , a handsome 30-something who comes a courtin " for Lady Mary .

  23. ITV周四(11月23日)确认了《唐顿庄园》已获第四季续订,还会在2013年推出圣诞特别节目。

    On Thursday ( November 23 ), ITV confirmed that Downton Abbey has been picked up for a fourth series and a Christmas special in 2013 .

  24. 英剧《唐顿庄园》最后一季获得2016年英国国家电视奖最佳剧情奖,这是该剧五年内第四次获奖。《唐顿庄园》由英国独立电视台(ITV)出品。

    The final series of ITV 's Downton Abbey has won best drama for the fourth time in five years at the 2016 National Television Awards .

  25. 预计《唐顿庄园》的圣诞特辑会有一千万观众,所以我们希望Crawley家族不要让我们失望。

    It is expected to get 10 million viewers , so hopefully the Crawley family will not let viewers down this Christmas .

  26. 随着威廉王子、凯特王妃和热播剧《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)带动的英伦风尚兴起,消费者逐渐开始注意到,路虎汽车又重新变得迷人了。

    Customers have noticed , and Land Rovers have become cool again , along with Prince William , Kate Middleton , and the cast of Downton Abbey .

  27. 男星丹·史蒂文斯已经从《唐顿庄园》谢幕,但他可能又要出现在一幕经典英剧中了。据悉他有望在BBC筹拍的《傲慢与偏见》衍生剧中出演众人梦寐以求的角色——达西先生。

    Former Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens looks set to be swapping one stately home for another as he is the favourite to take a coveted role in a Pride And Prejudice spin-off .

  28. Matthew的死亡也在推特上引起《唐顿庄园》粉丝们的伤感情绪,大部分剧迷都在抱怨,LadyMary和Matthew经过两季的分分合合终于在一起,甜蜜都还没看够这一对就散了。

    His death brought a wave of grief from Downton Abbey fans on Twitter , with many complaining they had barely got used to seeing Lady Mary and Matthew finally together after two series of will-they-won 't-they . '

  29. 看看《透明家庭》(Transparent)、《至亲血统》(Bloodline)、《狼厅》(WolfHall)、《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)这些电视剧吧。我特别迷恋的一部剧就是《国土安全》(Homeland)。

    Look at series like " Transparent , " " Bloodline , " " Wolf Hall " and " Downton Abbey . " A wonderful series I 'm hooked on , " Homeland . "

  30. 在经历了三小姐LadySybil的死亡后两个月,《唐顿庄园》剧迷们又要再一次经历剧中角色的离去。在2012年的圣诞特辑中,Crawley家族中又有一位魅力角色离去。

    Two months after viewers watched the shock death of Lady Sybil , the Crawley family lost another popular member of the family in the Christmas special of Downton Abbey .