
  1. 你呢,阿凯迪亚人,做什么的?

    And you , Arcadian , what is your profession ?

  2. 阿凯迪亚人,这选择对我们来说很简单

    Well , that 's an easy choice for us , Arcadian .

  3. 大概500年当他回到地中海时成了伊特鲁利亚人

    Say 500 years , while he returned To the mediterranean , Became an etruscan .

  4. 从黑海和里海的东北部来了米堤亚人和波斯人。

    Round the north-east of the Black and Caspian Seas were coming the Medes and Persians .

  5. 就这样一只青蛙要了六条人命,那群斯瓦比亚人没有一个活着回家的。

    Thus one frog took the lives of all six of them , and not one of the band of Swabians ever came home again .

  6. 印度教的影响在古伦族,林布族,菩提亚人,和塔卡里族群体中并不是很大,他们用佛教僧侣作宗教仪式。

    Hindu influence is less prominent among the Gurung , Limbu , Bhutia , and Thakali groups , who employ Buddhist monks for their religious ceremonies .

  7. 过了一会儿,站在旁边的人又再对伯多禄说:「你确是他们中间的,因为你也是个加里肋亚人。

    And after a while they that stood by said again to Peter : Surely thou art one of them ; for thou art also a Galilean .

  8. 阿凯迪亚人,我可是身经百战,还从没遇到过一个能给我斯巴达人所谓的“壮烈牺牲”的对手。

    Arcadian I have fought countless times yet I 've never met an adversary who could offer me hat we Spartans call " a beautiful death . "

  9. 至于古希腊人和古罗马人关于帕提亚人、波斯人、西叙亚人、匈奴人等的故事,在这里就不必说了。

    To say nothing of the stories told by the old Greeks and Romans about the Parthians , Persians , Scythians , Huns , and so on .

  10. 于是提幔人以利法,书亚人比勒达,拿玛人琐法照着耶和华所吩咐的去行。耶和华就悦纳约伯。

    So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went , and did according as the LORD commanded them : the LORD also accepted Job .

  11. 随着罗马帝国的灭亡,这里接连迎来了一波又一波的征服者:拜占庭人、诺曼人、斯瓦比亚人、安如望人、阿拉贡人、西班牙人和奥斯曼土耳其人。

    With the fall of the Roman Empire came successive waves of conquerers : Byzantines , Normans , Swabians , Angevins , Aragoneses , the Spanish , Ottoman Turks .

  12. 他揭发了犹大的罪,认为他们的敌人加尔底亚人(巴比伦尼亚人)是神派来惩罚他们的,但最后正义终将胜利。

    He denounced the sins of Judah , identifying their enemies the Chaldeans ( Babylonians ) as an instrument of God 's punishment , but also predicted the final triumph of righteousness .

  13. 反而,庇哩亚人天天和保罗一起考查旧约圣经,好看看他关于弥赛亚的教导是否是真的。

    Instead , the Bereans read and studied the Scriptures of the Old Testament day by day with Paul present in order to see whether his teaching about the Messiah was true .

  14. 第二件事情是;这些人都不是金发白皮肤的纳尼亚人,他们都是来自卡乐门王国的黑皮肤大胡子大汉。卡乐门是个残酷的大国,位于阿钦兰背后、大沙漠之南。

    The next thing was that these men were not the fair-haired men of Narnia : they were dark , bearded men from Calormen , that great and cruel country that lies beyond Archenland across the desert to the south .

  15. 总之,一切野鬼山神的全部哲学,以及它使得忧郁的伊特鲁利亚人终于灭亡的神秘事例,这一切,都被希腊人借赖奥林匹斯的艺术的缓冲世界一次又一次战胜了;这一切毕竟被遮掩住,从眼前隐退了。

    that whole Panic philosophy , in short , with its mythic examples , by which the gloomy Etruscans perished , the Greeks conquered -- or at least hid from view -- again and again by means of of this artificial Olympus .

  16. 但是,除了这些斐济人,东加托波亚尔人,埃罗曼哥亚人,邦南及亚人,柏莱及亚人,以及一些旁若无人.在街头摇摇摆摆.以捕鲸为生的野人以外,人们还可以看到其他一些更为希奇。

    But , besides the Feegeeans , Tongatobooarrs , Erromanggoans , Pannangians , and Brighggians , and , besides the wild specimens of the whaling-craft which unheeded reel about the streets , you will see other sights still more curious , certainly more comical .

  17. 高致病性H5N1亚型人禽流感病毒性肺炎的影像学表现特点

    Imaging features of pneumonia caused by highly pathogenic H5N1 Subtype human avian influenza virus

  18. 目的探讨高致病性H5N1亚型人禽流感病毒性肺炎的影像学检查方法及胸部X线与CT影像表现特点。

    Objective Explore imaging examination Methods for cases with pneumonia caused by highly pathogenic H5N1 subtype human cases of avian influenza virus and the imaging features in chest X-ray and CT .

  19. 目的筛选H3N2亚型人甲型流感病毒红细胞凝聚素(HA1)序列中的正向选择位点,为进一步揭示流感病毒的变异规律。

    Objective To elucidate the evolution pattern of human influenza virus A H3 subtype by detecting positive selected codons in hemagglutinin gene .

  20. 导演特里普·卡尔曼(TripCullman)大部分时间在外百老汇工作,他选了几位亚裔美国演员——包括金素珍(SueJeanKim,音译)和莫林·塞巴斯蒂安(MaureenSebastian)——饰演一些没有明确说明是亚洲人的角色。

    Trip Cullman , a director who mostly works Off Broadway , has cast several Asian-American actors , including Sue Jean Kim and Maureen Sebastian , in roles that were not explicitly Asian .

  21. 方法回顾性分析2006年6月深圳接诊的首例由卫生部确诊,并经过抢救治疗痊愈的高致病性H5N1亚型人禽流感病毒性肺炎患者的相关临床及影像学资料。

    Methods A retrospective analysis of the relevant clinical and imaging materials of the first case with pneumonia caused by highly pathogenic H5N1 subtype human avian influenza virus with diagnosis confirmed by the ministry of health being cured after rescuing .

  22. 4过了些日子,亚扪人与以色列争战。

    And after some time the children of Ammon fought with Israel .

  23. 罗波安的母亲名叫拿玛,是亚扪人。

    His mother 's name was Naamah ; she was an Ammonite .

  24. 于是亚兰人不敢再帮助亚扪人了。

    So the Syrians feared to help the children of Ammon any more .

  25. 现今岂不是在亚扪人的拉巴吗?

    It is still in Rabbah of the Ammonites .

  26. 耶弗他又打发使者去见亚扪人的王

    And Jephthah sent messengers again unto the king of the children of Ammon

  27. 约押就离开亚扪人那里,回耶路撒冷去了。

    So Joab returned from the children of Ammon , and came to Jerusalem .

  28. 大卫的臣仆到了亚扪人的境内。

    And David 's servants came into the land of the children of Ammon .

  29. 论亚扪人。耶和华如此说,以色列没有儿子吗。

    Concerning the Ammonites , thus saith the LORD ; Hath Israel no sons ?

  30. 女性生殖道不同亚型人乳头状瘤病毒混合感染及分型研究

    Human Papillomavirus Isolated from Multiple Infections of Female Genitourinary Tract and Its Subtype Detections