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  1. 我国人民在古代就有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。

    In ancient Chinese people have " autumn " sunset on the custom of Pennsylvania .

  2. 当秋暮降临,我对一个人说,真想给你一个承诺。

    When autumn twilight came , I said to a man , really want to give you a promise .

  3. 从那改变一生的机遇起,莱斯开始了在广播、政治、演讲和电视等方面的成功的职业生涯。(编译:秋暮寒供稿:任长秀)

    From that fateful beginning , Les went on to a successful career in broadcasting , politics , public speaking and television .

  4. 宋词中,柳永多秋暮之吟,苏轼多晴雨之咏,不同的物象选择反映了词人不同的经历、志趣和生活态度。

    Among the poets of Song dynasty , Liu Rong 's poems mirrored the sadness of autumn sunset while Su Shi 's poems exclaimed the sigh of sunny rain .