
  • 网络Natural gas drilling;gas drilled hole
  1. 通过研究与试验,初步形成了地层出水、稳定性评价、井眼净化技术以及天然气钻井HSE文件。

    In general , such technologies as formation water production prediction , formation stability evaluation , hole cleaning and HSE procedures for natural gas drilling were preliminary formed .

  2. 以色列他玛钻井平台&在以色列南部海岸附近的他玛(Tamar)天然气钻井平台上,警报声大作。

    THE TAMAR PLATFORM , Israel & Alarms rang out across the Tamar natural gas platform off the southern coast of Israel .

  3. 以磷酸酯胺盐作为絮凝剂,与Al2(SO4)3溶液复配使用,在对川东天然气钻井废水的絮凝处理实验中获到一定效果。

    The experiment used the phosphoric-acid-ester-amine as a flocculant , and cooperated with liquor of Al2 ( SO4 ) 3 to dispose waste water of nature gas well in east of Sichuan , and attained available result .

  4. 在海滨城市Sidoarjo附近的泥浆喷泉从5月29日开始喷发,这似乎是由于一起天然气钻井事故引起的&钻井活动钻透了地下贮藏高压热水和蒸汽的地层。

    The mud geyser near the coastal city of Sidoarjo began on29 May , and appears to have been caused by a gas drilling accident that breached a deep , pressurised reservoir of hot water and steam .

  5. 四川天然气钻井井身结构的设计与实践

    Design and practice of hole program of gas well in Sichuan Basin

  6. 改性碱式氯化铝处理天然气钻井废水

    Treatment of gas well drilling wastewater by modified poly-aluminium chloride

  7. 天然气钻井在川西地区的实践与认识

    Practice and knowledge of gas drilling in West Sichuan area

  8. 鄂尔多斯盆地北部天然气钻井技术研究

    Drilling Technology of Natural Gas in the North Ordos Basin

  9. 天然气钻井井控中的几个关键问题

    Several Important Matters on Well Control of Natural Gas Drilling

  10. 天然气钻井作业的环境风险分析

    Analysis on Environmental Risk in Natural Gas Drilling Operation

  11. 以往空气钻井中钻遇油气层,多建议转换为天然气钻井,但这种方法多因无临近气源可用和高成本而不能实际采用。

    But this impractical because gas sources were far and the cost was high .

  12. 陕242井天然气钻井实践

    Natural gas drilling practice in well shan-242

  13. 中浅层天然气钻井废水处理技术试验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Treatment of Waste Water in Drilling of Middle / Shallow Layer Natural Gas Well

  14. 石油天然气钻井过程中用钻井液振动筛来清除钻井液中的有害固相。

    In the course of drilling in oil and gas industry , drilling fluid shaker is employed to remove harmful solid from drilling fluid .

  15. 石油天然气钻井工程中的技术经济评价,随市场经济的发展和钻井市场的国际化变得尤为重要。

    With the development of the market economy and internationalization of drilling market , the technical & economic evaluation for drilling projects becomes more important .

  16. 试验结果表明,在高压地层采用天然气钻井技术可以大幅提高钻井速度,该井平均机械钻速达11.46m/h,与邻井相比机械钻速提高1倍以上。

    The average rate of penetration reaches 11.46 m / h , increased for about 100 % compared to the rate of penetration of neighboring well .

  17. 石油和天然气钻井以及采石场,甚至是大坝后的蓄水湖施加的压力,都能导致大地坍塌,轰隆作响。

    Oil and gas wells , rock quarries , even the added pressure of a reservoir lake behind a new dam can cause the ground to rumble .

  18. 国外在上世纪七十年代中期开始研究,八十年代初投入使用,现在已成为石油天然气钻井的重要工具。

    PDC was studied abroad began in mid-seventies last century , put into use in early eighties , it has now become an important tool for oil and gas drilling .

  19. 砂岩和石灰岩是石油天然气钻井破岩的主要对象,它的物理力学性质已有系统的测定方法和定量分级。

    Sandstone and limestone are the main targets cut by oil and gas well drilling and for their physical mechanical property there have been systematic determination method and quantitative gradation .

  20. 中75井第四次开钻采用天然气钻井,井眼严重垮塌,井下情况比较复杂,仅钻进7.23m即发生卡钻事故。

    Gas drilling was used while the forth spud-in for Zhong Well 75 . Severe collapse happened in the borehole . The accident of bit freezing took place at only 7.23 m.

  21. 人类的某些行为会让水母的生存条件更好,这些行为包括污染,气候变化、引进外来物种、过度捕鱼以及搭建人工构造物,比如石油和天然气钻井。

    Human activities that could be making things nice for jellyfish include pollution , climate change , introductions of non-native species , overfishing and building artificial structures such as oil and gas rigs .

  22. 在石油天然气钻井施工过程中,常常造成钻具接头磨损、偏磨及丝扣粘连,这是引起钻具损坏进而演化为井下事故的主要原因之一。

    In the construction process of oil and gas drilling , the joint drill wear , eccentric wear and threaded partial adhesion caused drilling damage and then evolved into the major mine accidents .

  23. 石油天然气钻井作业是一项高投入、高风险和高技术水平的特殊作业项目,存在着各种各样的风险,是一项容易发生事故的隐蔽性工程。

    Work of natural gas and oil drilling is a special kind of high investment , high risk and high technology project that accidence tends to occur frequently , in which all kinds of risks exist .

  24. 针对储层低孔渗、强水敏、强水锁特点,采用欠平衡或天然气钻井技术,缩短了钻井周期,减低了污染,解放了产层;

    In view of the reservoir characteristics of low porosity and low permeability and strong water sensitivity , under-balanced and gas drilling technologies are used to shorten the drilling time , lessen formation damage and liberate pay zones .

  25. 川西地区高压天然气深井钻井完井技术

    Drilling and Completion Techniques in Deep Gas Wells in Chuanxi Area

  26. 天然气水合物钻井的关键技术与对策

    Key Technique and Countermeasures for Natural Gas Hydrate Drilling

  27. 陆上石油天然气勘探钻井废水处理略论

    Drilling sewage disposal in oil & gas exploration

  28. 海洋天然气水合物钻井的硅酸盐钻井液研究氯代有机化合物在天然沉积物中的微生物降解

    Study on Silicate Drilling Fluid for Drilling in Marine Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Organic Compounds in Natural Sediments

  29. 分析了矿业钻机与水井钻机用于浅层天然气小眼钻井的可行性及局限性。

    It analysed the feasibility and the limitation of applying mining rig and water well rig to slim hole drilling in shallow gas bearing reservoirs .

  30. 能源界的常见词也基本上不出意料。在德意志银行的排名中,石油、天然气、钻井排名前三。

    The energy sector contains few surprises , with oil , gas , and drilling coming in as the top three words in Deutsche Bank 's list .