
zhēn ài
  • true love
  1. 也许有一天你会找到真爱。

    Maybe one day you 'll find true love

  2. 自由、公平和真爱——她能得到这些她为之奋斗的一切吗?

    Will she get everything she fights for — freedom , fairness and true love ?

  3. 你能确定这是真爱,而非一时痴迷?

    Are you sure it 's the real thing , not just infatuation ?

  4. 什么都不能取代真爱与家庭和睦。

    Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness .

  5. 她真爱插嘴。

    She just loves to chip in when others are talking .

  6. 真爱似美酒,愈久愈醇。

    True love is like a fine wine , the older the better .

  7. 寻觅到类似我俩一样的真爱

    Finds love like you and i did

  8. 真爱就像鬼魂,谈论的人多,见过的人少。

    True love is like ghosts , which everyone talks about and few have seen .

  9. 他对成熟的爱的归纳极好地总结了真爱的基本特征:

    His description of mature love sums up the essential characteristics of authentic love quite well :

  10. 宝拉的卡片是她用来表达真爱和坚定支持誓言的方式。

    P273 Paula 's cards were her way of pledging her true love and unwavering support .

  11. 真爱就如同幽灵显现:所有人都谈论它们,但很少有人见到过一个

    True love is like ghostly apparitions : everybody talks about them but few have ever seen one .

  12. 只要他们在一起,拥有地球上最强大的力量——真爱的力量,他们就能克服任何困难。

    There ’ s nothing they can ’ t overcome as long as they ’ re together and possess the greatest power on earth — the power of true love .

  13. 真爱并不意味着“当你成为完美的人或当你成为我所期望的那种人时,我才爱你。”真爱不是带有附加条件的付出。

    Authentic love does not imply “ I 'll love you when you become perfect or when you become what I expect you to become . ” Authentic love is not given with strings21 attached .

  14. 这位《真爱如血》的明星,CK内衣的模特在夏威夷比赛铁人三项时大汗淋漓并脱下了上衣。

    The former True Blood star – and Calvin Klein underwear model – takes it off while working up a sweat during a triathlon in Hawaii .

  15. 以创作歌手BuddyHolly为例,他所演唱的《真爱永存》中有这样一句歌词:我对你的爱胜过卡迪拉克。

    You can start with songwriter Buddy Holly singing " Not Fade Away ": " My love is bigger than a Cadillac " .

  16. 交友网站MissTravel的所有人布兰登·韦德说,他注意到网站上这样一群寻找真爱的SITCOM女的人数在增长。

    MissTravel owner Brandon Wade said he had noticed an increasing number of so-called SITCOMs going online to find love .

  17. 找到真爱自从1922年爱尔兰作家JamesJoyce使用这个表达后,这个表示理想伴侣的常见短语被广为使用。

    To Find Mr. Right or Miss Right This common phrase denoting the ideal romantic partner has been in use since 1922 when the Irish author James Joyce coined the expression .

  18. 得益于诸如HBO的《真爱如血》(TrueBlood)这样的剧集,现在亚历山大的派对圈开始定期分析讨论电视剧主题,她还借助这部电视剧讨论了僵尸与人类之间关系的政治认同感。

    Thanks to shows like HBO 's ' True Blood , ' which enabled her to pipe up about political identity in the relationship between vampires and humans , TV themes are now routinely dissected on Ms. Alexander 's party circuit .

  19. 没有自私的将自己的情感表达给Blair,他蒙住了她的双眼,带领她来到一个布满烛光的房间,她的真爱Chuck在那里等着她。

    Instead of selfishly confessing his own love for Blair , he blindfolded her and whisked away to a candlelit room where Chuck her real true love was waiting for her .

  20. 杰克:要是史丹利作主的话,我们连婚礼都会在ktv办!他真爱唱歌。

    Jack : if it were up to stanley , we 'd have the wedding in the ktv ! He loves to sing .

  21. 《启蒙的爱》的作者丹尼尔·琼斯(DanielJones)说:“年轻的时候,我们总是在问‘我怎样才能找到真爱’?到了中年,我们又会问‘我怎样才能找回爱’?”

    As Daniel Jones , author of Love Illuminated , explains : we spend our youth asking " How do I find love ? " and midlife asking " How do I get it back ? "

  22. 近日,宝洁旗下的高端护肤品牌SK-II推出了一则新广告,以纪录片的叙事风格试图洗去“剩女”一词的负面含义,并且帮助中国的未婚女性在事业中重拾自信,勇敢追寻真爱。

    A new documentary-style commercial from SK-II , a high-end skincare brand owned by Procter And Gamble , aims to remove the stigma from this term - and empower the country 's unmarried women to find pride in their careers and devotion to finding real love .

  23. 我自己,我的爱人,我唯一的真爱。

    My own , my dear , my one true love .

  24. 我永不能忘的真爱的波浪。

    And the first waves of true love Ill never forget .

  25. 你看,小姐们,我己经有了真爱。

    Look , iadies , I already have a true love .

  26. 我18岁离家去上大学,在那里寻觅真爱。

    I left for college at18 and looked for him there .

  27. 人们常说金钱买不来真爱。

    It is often said that money can 't buy love .

  28. 找到真爱并成为一个真正的爱人。

    Find true love and be a true lover as well .

  29. 我希望詹妮弗最后能找到真爱。

    Oh , I hope Jen 's finally found love .

  30. 什么叫真爱?是浪漫?

    What call the true love ? Is a romance ?