
  • 网络real gas effect;real-gas effect
  1. 最后提出了用CFD设计高焓风洞试验条件的思路,并识别真实气体效应显著改变热流分布的高焓风洞试验能力区域。

    Finally the use of CFD for the design of the experimental conditions has been demonstrated by identifying the regions within the wind tunnel envelope where real gas effects significantly change the heat transfer rate distribution .

  2. 横向喷流干扰中的真实气体效应研究

    A study of real gas effects on lateral jet interaction

  3. 针对电弧风洞高焓气体来流条件,通过数值求解三维化学非平衡Navier-Stokes方程,分析无烧蚀球锥全目标绕流场真实气体效应。

    On the incoming flow condition of high enthalpy air in an electric arc wind tunnel , three-dimensional chemical non - equilibrium Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically to analyze real gas effect in complete flowfields around a non-ablated spherical cone model .

  4. 利用真实气体效应提高激波阶跃压力

    Utilization of real gas effect to increase shock step pressure

  5. 考虑真实气体效应的激波速度计算

    The Calculation of Shock Wave Speed in a Real Gas Shock Tube

  6. 高温真实气体效应中催化效应对气动热影响的实验探索

    The experiment exploration of catalyst effects on aerodynamic heat in real gas effects

  7. 高动压激波管中的真实气体效应

    Real Gas Effect in the Dynamic-High-Pressure Shock Tube

  8. 极超音速成型装药射流头部激波作用下的真实气体效应分析

    Analysis of Real Gas Effect Under the Action of Hypersonic Shaped Charge Jet Top Shock Wave

  9. 存在衰减和真实气体效应的激波管激波速度的计算

    The Calculation of Shock Wave Speed in the Presence of Real Gas Effect and Shock Attenuation

  10. 真实气体效应加速了放气过程温度和压力的下降速率,减慢了充气过程温度和压力的上升速率。

    The real gas effect accelerates the temperature and pressure decreasing rates during discharging process , and decelerates their increasing rates during charging process .

  11. 首先介绍了航天器再入飞行中遇到的真实气体效应问题及其对航天器气动特性所产生的影响。

    Firstly , this article is reviewed the serious problems caused by real gas effects and spacecraft aerodynamics during the reentry of a spacecraft .

  12. 特别地,真实气体效应仅在零攻角且零舵偏角时对舵面的压心位置产生较大影响。

    Especially , the effect of real gas on the location of rudder pressure center is dominant only at zero angle-of-attack and zero rudder yaw-angle .

  13. 在本文中提出了在激波管中,利用真实气体效应来提高激波阶跃压力的新方法,该方法对获得阶跃特性好的高阶跃压力(例如,动压标定等)是非常好。

    In the present paper , we obtained a new method that utilized real gas effect to increase the shock step pressure in a shock tube .

  14. 第三章,首先分析了能量转换中空气焓及内能的真实气体效应,基于压力,焓以及内能的关系,研究了高压气动系统充放气过程的真实气体效应。

    Based on the relation among pressure , enthalpy and internal energy , the real gas effects on charging and discharging processes of high pressure pneumatics are studied .

  15. 主要介绍了在氢氧爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞中进行真实气体效应中催化效应对气动热影响的实验研究。

    This paper is mainly concerned with the experiment exploration of catalyst effects on aerodynamic heat in real gas effects in JF-10 oxygen hydrogen detonation driving shock tunnel .

  16. 对于高焓脉冲型风洞模拟再入飞行,研究高超声速真实气体效应是十分必要的。

    This is required for measurements in a impulse wind tunnel to simulate real gas effect of a reentry vehicle , The balance is made of distributed accelerometers on model .

  17. 此外,小攻角时真实气体效应产生小低头力矩,而大攻角时产生小抬头力矩。

    Moreover , the effect of real gas for small angle-of-attack case results in small downward force moment , whereas that for large angle-of-attack case results in small upward force moment .

  18. 首先采用考虑真实气体效应的理论,计算破膜后形成的初始激波速度;在激波沿管运行理论不能准确计算的阶段,采用由实验得出的激波衰减公式进行计算。

    The initial shock wave speed is calculated by theory , while the shock wave goes along the shock tube , and calculated by a shock wave attenuation formula which comes from experiment .

  19. 通过完全气体、平衡气体和非平衡气体的流场数值模拟结果分析比较,得出真实气体效应对返回舱气动力特性影响较小这一结论。

    Through analyses for the numerical results of flow_field of perfect air , equilibrium and Non_Equilibrium air , this thesis demonstrates that the influence of real air effects on the aerodynamics characters of the capsule is not significant .

  20. 算例表明,在计及氮气的平衡真实气体效应的情形下,随着入射激波马赫数M:的增大,边界层的最小马赫数从壁面处移到边界层内;

    To account for equilibrium real gas effects of nitrogen , the numerical results show that the minimum Mach number in the boundary layer has been moved from the wall into the boundary layer with the increasing of the incident shock Mach number .

  21. 单就舵面而言,真实气体效应使其阻力系数增大,使其升力系数和俯仰力矩系数在小攻角且非负舵偏角时变小,在大攻角且负舵偏角时变大。

    As concerning the rudder , the effect of real gas makes drag coefficient large , and both lift and pitching moment coefficients small for the case of small angle-of-attack and nonnegative rudder yaw-angle and large for the case of large angle-of-attack and negative rudder yaw-angle .

  22. 高超音速边界层转捩问题研究,由于气流温度高,需要考虑高温真实气体效应,即,要准确预测转捩位置,必须考虑温度对于热物性参数的影响。

    Research on the transition problem of hypersonic boundary layers needs to consider the real gas effects due to the high air temperature . That is in order to successfully predict the transition locations of hypersonic boundary layers , we must consider the effects of temperature on the thermophysical parameters .

  23. 通过维里方程、P-R方程及S-R-K方程建立压缩因子库,计算出高压真实空气的可用能,并分析真实气体效应对高压空气可用能计算的影响。

    The databases of air compressibility factors are obtained by Virial , P-R and S-R-K equations . The exergy for real air is calculated and the real gas effect on exergy is analyzed .