
  • 网络Baja;BACH;Johann Sebastian Bach;Bach, Johann Sebastian
  1. 你们三个从巴哈回来之时。

    When the three of you got back from baja .

  2. 她被确诊时我们住在巴哈。

    We were living in Baja when she was diagnosed .

  3. 巴哈和亨德尔是同时代的作曲家。

    Bach and Handel were contemporary composers .

  4. BloombergBeta负责人罗伊•巴哈特对于最终结果的多样性感到欣慰。

    Roy Bahat , who leads Bloomberg Beta , was pleased by the diversity of the group .

  5. 她的例子不仅帮助她父亲创立了一家企业,还影响了达累斯萨拉姆以外基巴哈地区约90个女孩加入cama。

    Her example helped her father to create a business and influenced about 90 girls in the Kibaha area outside Dar El Salaam to join CAMA .

  6. 警察经常拒绝援助受害者,理由是“家庭团结受到保护。”女权主义律师胡尧·古尔巴哈(HulyaGulbahar)说土耳其公开虔诚的总理热杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(RecepTayyipErdogan)已定错了调子。

    Police often turn away victims on the grounds that " family unity must be preserved . " Hulya Gulbahar , a feminist lawyer , says that Turkey 's overtly pious prime minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , has set the wrong tone .

  7. 这个给涵妮耶,这个给巴哈芮。

    This is for hanieh , and this is for bahareh .

  8. 我喜欢巴哈和莫扎特,不喜欢这些近代的作曲家。

    I like Bach and Mozart , not these modern composers .

  9. 你什么时候有时间去你的巴哈马岛?

    When would you have time to go to your bahama ?

  10. 对巴哈伊教的信仰让我脱胎换骨,张欣承认。

    Being a Bahai has transformed me , she admits .

  11. 巴哈想深刻地表达人们对永恒生活的希望。

    Bach profoundly wanted to express the human earning for everlasting life .

  12. 除了巴哈,您还喜欢哪些作曲家?

    And besides bach , are there other composers that you like ?

  13. 每位巴哈伊皆须取得传导经验。

    Every Bah á ' í must acquire the lessons of teaching .

  14. 中国,中国,到中国去!巴哈欧拉的圣道一定要向中国推进。

    China , China , China-ward the Cause of Baha'u'llah must march !

  15. 因此,巴哈伊教对经济问题的看法和贡献,都是间接的。

    Its ideas and contributions for economic problems are indirect .

  16. 奥黛尔在向北部加利福尼亚巴哈移动过程中势头逐渐减弱。

    The storm weakened as it moved north over Baja , California .

  17. 从前有人称巴哈的大合唱为第五福音书。

    It has been said that Bach 's cantatas represent the fifth Gospel .

  18. 1月份是鲸鱼在巴哈海岸产卵的重要时间。

    January is a key month for whale birthing off the Baja coast .

  19. 巴哈的曲子是更困难,“为什么是那样?”

    The Bach is more difficult , the question is ," Why is that ?"

  20. 巴哈马车客渡船设计简介

    Design of Bahamas cargo / passenger ferry

  21. 又有民的首领,就是巴录,巴哈摩押,以拦,萨土,巴尼

    The chief of the people ; Parosh , Pahathmoab , Elam , Zatthu , Bani

  22. 基因,一个度假的美国游客在巴哈,停下来接她。

    Gene , an American tourist vacationing in Baja , stops to pick her up .

  23. 我们当时在巴哈马南部,准备去水下摄影白尖鲨。33岁的摄影师埃里克讲到。

    We were in the southern Bahamas to photograph oceanic white-tip sharks , said the 33-year-old .

  24. 最令他着迷的是巴哈的音乐。

    How is hip-hop like be-bop ? It is Bach which / that fascinates him most .

  25. 北瓦济里斯坦的塔利班领导人是巴哈德尔,是他参加谈判,达成现在被废弃的协议的。

    North Waziristan 's Taliban leader is Hafiz Gul Bahadar , who negotiated the now-abandoned agreement .

  26. 儒学与巴哈伊信仰:和谐社会思想之比较(上)

    Confucianism and the Bahaist Faith : A Comparison between Different Ideologies of harmonious Societies ( I );

  27. 的确,给这些天才说句公道话:棒辣妹的音乐可不是炒冷饭的巴哈。

    Indeed , we should give the prodigies their props . Bond 's music is not warmed-over Bach .

  28. 他自认是个罪人,需要神的慈悲和基督复活的奇异恩典。巴哈通过音乐表达了他的信仰。

    He professed himself a sinner who needs God 's mercy and the amazing grace conferred by Jesus'resurrection .

  29. 赖欣巴哈的概率演算的公理系统,包括:赖欣巴哈为构造概率演算的公理系统所做的准备工作;

    Reichenbach 's axiomatics of probability calculus includes : the preparation for construction of axiomatics of probability calculus ;

  30. 另一倍受关注的是演奏巴哈要以现代钢琴取代大键琴的争议。

    It was almost a capital offence to play Bach on a modern grand piano instead of a harpsichord .