
  • 网络Baldini;Franco Baldini;Bardini
  1. 您依然是位伟大的香水制作者,巴尔迪尼。

    You are still the great perfumer baldini .

  2. 巴尔迪尼答应给他开一份文书,前提是格雷诺耶为他留下不少于一百种新香水的配方。

    Baldini agreed to provide them , on condition that Grenouille left him not less than one hundred formulas for new perfumes .

  3. 周日晚比赛结束后,我和大卫进行了交谈,给予他支持。助理教练弗兰科•巴尔迪尼当时也在。

    I spoke with him after the game on Sunday night to offer my support , as did ( assistant ) Franco Baldini .

  4. 不过,卡佩罗的助手弗朗哥-巴尔迪尼已经通知奥尼尔这次他将招齐维拉五虎:赫斯基、加里斯-巴里、卢克-杨、加比-阿邦拉霍以及阿什利-杨。

    But Capello 's assistant Franco Baldini has spoken to O'Neill and Villa quintet Heskey , Gareth Barry , Luke Young , Gabby Agbonlahor and Ashley Young are all expected to be in the squad .