
  • 网络brazil;brazilian team
  1. 在决赛中巴西队以5:1狂胜意大利队。

    Brazil trounced Italy 5 – 1 in the final .

  2. 阿根廷队至少要赢秘鲁队4球才能超越巴西队进入决赛。

    Argentina need to beat Peru by at least four goals to overhaul Brazil and reach the final itself

  3. 这场比赛成了巴西队的表演赛。

    It was a great showing by the Brazilian team .

  4. B:但是巴西队更顽强。

    B : But the Brazilian is tougher .

  5. 其中,might的语气更弱一些。例如:(说话人料定自己的推测不会有错:哪有足球迷不看巴西队与法国队比赛的道理。)作为一个足球迷,他昨晚肯定看了那场巴西对法国的比赛。

    As a football fan , he must have watched the football match on TV last night -- Brazil vs. France .

  6. 曾四度夺冠的巴西队将参加C组在韩国的比赛,这应该不会有什么大问题,他们会在六月三日与土耳其队比赛。

    Four-time champions Brazil will play in South Korea in Group C , which shouldn 't cause them too many problems .

  7. 巴西队队长卢西奥支持杰拉德当选FIFA世界足球先生。

    Brazil captain Lucio has backed Steven Gerrard for FIFA World Player of the Year .

  8. 组包括东道主中国、瑞典、加拿大和阿根廷,F组有朝鲜、尼日利亚、德国和巴西队。

    Group E consists of hosts China , Sweden , Argentina and Canada , while Group F features DPR Korea , Nigeria , Germany and Brazil .

  9. 当晚Diego为巴西队射得一球时,欢呼声再次响起。

    The cheers went up again when Diego scored the first goal of the night for Brazil .

  10. 上一场巴西队以低于自己水平的1比0赢了克罗地亚,下周四对日本打平即可保证F组第一的位置。

    Brazil was coming off a below-average outing in the1-0 win over Croatia , and can secure first place in Group F with a draw against Japan on Thursday .

  11. 自巴西队淘汰出局以来,内马尔只在Instagram上谈到了在俄罗斯的失利。

    Since Brazil 's elimination , Neymar only spoke about the loss in Russia via Instagram .

  12. Ronaldinho说,巴西队能够打出漂亮的球,球队会随着每一次比赛日益强大。

    Brazil is capable of playing nice soccer and the team is getting stronger with every game .

  13. 巴西队教练路易斯•费利佩•斯科拉里(LuizFelipeScolari)表示,捧得世界杯是“最低要求”。

    Luiz Felipe Scolari , Brazil 's coach , has said that winning the World Cup , is " the minimum requirement . "

  14. 第一次判罚是在比分1-1时,他判给巴西队一个点球,认为克罗地亚后卫洛夫伦(DejanLovren)对巴西球员弗雷德(Fred)犯规。

    The first came when the score was 1-1 and he awarded Brazil a penalty , adjudging that Fred was fouled by Croatian defender Dejan Lovren .

  15. 第二天,巴西队在世界杯足球赛四分之一决赛中对阵哥伦比亚,虽然赢得了比赛,但该队明星、全国海报男孩内马尔(Neymar)后背受伤,将缺席余下的比赛。

    The following day , Brazil played Colombia in the quarter final of the World Cup . Brazil won the match - but Neymar , the team 's star and national posterboy , suffered a back injury that will keep him out of the rest of the tournament .

  16. 意大利队以一比三输给了巴西队。

    Italy went down to Brazil by three goals to one .

  17. 这是巴西队第5次在世界杯赛上夺冠。

    It was the fifth World Cup championship won by Brazil .

  18. 巴西队是今年世界杯赛的夺冠热门。

    Brazil are favourites to win this year 's world cup .

  19. 美国和巴西队一直是这一项目的赢家。

    The United States and Brazil have dominated the scene all along .

  20. 巴西队给全世界数百万观众带来了欢乐。

    Brazilian teams have given joy to millions all over the world .

  21. 瑞典队在斯德哥尔摩的比赛中差点爆冷击败巴西队。

    Sweden came close to up-setting Brazil during their match in stockholm .

  22. 英国队被巴西队打得一败涂地。

    The English team were totally outplayed by the Brazilians .

  23. 如果巴西队没有取得比赛资格,那可太不可思议了。

    It would BW incredible if Brazil failed to qualify .

  24. 一般来说,巴西队通常要好一些。

    Generally speaking , Brazil is usually better than argentina .

  25. 上半场,巴西队颇为领先。

    By half-time , Brazil was comfortably in the lead .

  26. 另外,他们还能得到有巴西队球员签名的球衣。

    They will also be given signed Brazilian football shirts .

  27. 如果我能随巴西队获得荣誉,这是多美妙的事。

    It will be great if I can achieve good things with Brazil .

  28. 决赛是法国队对巴西队。

    It is France versus Brazil in the final .

  29. 巴西队已经获得很多次世界冠军了。

    Brazil has won the World Cup many times .

  30. 巴西队换了八次人,其中六次是位置性的。

    The Brazilian side had made eight changes , six of them positional .