
  • 网络Brazilian Football;Football in Brazil
  1. 昨晚巴西足球队主帅卡洛斯·佩雷拉因球队被禁止在温布利球场训练而大发雷霆。

    Brazilian soccer boss Carlos Parreira hit out angrily last night after his side were barred from training at Wembley .

  2. 连巴西足球明星贝利(Pele)也开始对此感到忿忿不平。

    Even Brazilian soccer star Pele has begun to complain .

  3. 足球训练-短传欢迎来到Videojug与巴西足球学校联合为您制作的足球课堂。

    Football Drills-Short Passing Welcome to the Videojug Soccer School , brought to you in association with the Brazilian Soccer Schools .

  4. 巴西足球传奇人物贝利在接受德国杂志《体育图片报》(SportBild)采访时,巴西足球传奇人物贝利声称,世界杯准备工作“丢人现眼”,他指责“邪恶的人偷走了所有的钱。”

    In an interview with German magazine Sport Bild , Brazilian football legend Pele has called the preparations " a disgrace , " blaming " the evil people who have stolen all the money . "

  5. 他要求由运动员、球迷以及每一个人公开选举巴西足球协会(BrazilianFootballConfederation)的高层官员,也闪现过推举队友济科(Zico)与丑闻缠身的足协主席一争高下的念头。

    He demanded open elections - by players , fans , everyone - for the top job in the Brazilian Football Confederation , and toyed with fielding his team-mate Zico against the scandal-tangled president .

  6. 小内马尔•达席尔瓦•桑托斯(NeymardaSilvaSantosJúnior)——简称内马尔——被赋予一项任务,一项有史以来从未有同胞完成的任务:带领巴西足球队摘取奥运金牌。

    Neymar da Silva Santos J ú nior - known simply as Neymar - has been handed a task that has historically proved to be beyond his countrymen : leading Brazil 's footballers to an Olympic gold medal .

  7. 那次惨败被巴西足球评论员加尔旺•布埃诺(GalvaoBueno)形容为“巴西史上最糟的黑暗”。

    The drubbing was described as the " the worst blackout in Brazil 's history " by commentator Galvao Bueno , the voice of football in the country .

  8. 巴西足球擅长进攻,行云流水自成一格。

    Brazilian football is an attacking , free-flowing style of play .

  9. 巴西足球队什么时候飞抵北京?

    When is the stocker team from Brazil flying into Beijing ?

  10. 在巴西足球比较慢节奏,这里实在太快!

    In Brazil the football is slower ; here it 's so fast !

  11. 这个伟大的巴西足球运动员17岁效力于国家队。

    The great Brazilian soccer player played for his national team when he was17 .

  12. 巴西足球队有主场之利,我祝巴西队好运。

    The Brazilian team has the home-court advantage and I wish them good luck .

  13. 近日,巴西足球传奇贝利第三次走入婚姻殿堂。

    Brazilian football great Pele has married for a third time in a private ceremony .

  14. 巴西足球的哲学就是用最漂亮的方式赢得最多。

    The Brazilian football philosophy is to have people with great charisma who have won a lot .

  15. 接受了一次虚拟电影体验,他在该电影中扮演巴西足球队队长的角色。

    Experienced a VR film where he played the role of the captain of the Brazilian football team .

  16. 罗纳尔多,这位伟大的巴西足球运动员,在他17岁的时候就为他的国家对效力。

    And Ronaldo , the great Brazilian soccer player , played for his national team when he was seventeen .

  17. 退休巴西足球运动员贝利以及原美国篮球明星沃尔特.弗雷泽都参加过小小羊羔孤儿院的筹款

    Also , retired soccer legend Pel é and former basketball great Walt Frazier have both appeared at Littlest Lamb fundraisers .

  18. 大家都知道巴西足球不仅是一项体育运动更是一种生活方式。

    Everyone knows that in Brazil football is as much about passion and a way of life as it is about sport .

  19. 罗:我想成为巴西足球的一名领导,为这个国家的体育发展做出贡献。

    I would like to be some kind of leader in Brazilian football ; to work to develop sport in the country .

  20. 巴西足球员及政治鼓动者苏格拉底·奥利维拉于12月4日辞世,年仅57。

    S ó crates Brasileiro Sampaio de Souza Vieira de Oliveira , Brazilian footballer and political agitator , died on December 4th , aged 57 .

  21. 博物馆的展品追溯了巴西足球从贵族运动发展为深受1.9亿国民喜爱的大众体育项目的过程。

    The museum traces football 's transformation from an elite sport to the passion of the masses in this vast , multiracial country of190 million people .

  22. 本周二,一架载有巴西足球队沙佩科恩斯的包机在哥伦比亚坠毁,机上的81人中有76人遇难。客机出事前曾报告电力故障。

    A charter plane carrying Brazilian football team Chapecoense crashed in Colombia Tuesday after reporting electrical problems , killing 76 of the 81 people on board .

  23. 我预计,2014年巴西足球世界杯将获得成功(巴西队甚至有可能夺得冠军),从而有助于提升巴西的整体形象。

    I predict Brazil will successfully host the World Cup next year ( and perhaps even win it ) and this will help bolster its overall image .

  24. 但光彩夺目的巴西足球,有时似乎未能鼓舞该国在其他生活领域创造辉煌,反而成为一种替代品。

    But Brazil 's brilliant football has sometimes seemed to serve not as an inspiration to brilliance in other areas of life - but as an alternative .

  25. 在最近走访罗兰香谷售楼处时,记者只看到身穿巴西足球队黄色球衣的销售人员,看房者寥寥无几。

    At a recent visit to the Charming Land showroom , the place was void of people except for sales staff dressed in Brazil 's yellow soccer jerseys .

  26. 本周三,巴西足球传奇巨星罗纳尔多和他的罗纳尔多国际足球学院,与中国电商巨头阿里巴巴旗下子公司--阿里体育,达成了合作意向。

    Brazilian soccer legend Ronaldo Nazario and his Ronaldo Academy agree here Wednesday to cooperate with Ali sports group , which is majority-owned by Alibaba Group , China 's e-commerce giant .

  27. 未来很长一段时间许多伤心的巴西足球迷都不会忘记上周的耻辱,曾五次夺得世界杯冠军的巴西队以0-3败给荷兰,争夺世界杯季军的希望破灭。

    This week will long be woefully remembered by many Brazilian soccer fans as one of shame , with the five-time World Cup winner 's hopes of victory being dashed in a game against the Netherlands , which it lost 3-0 .

  28. 未来很长一段时间许多伤心的巴西足球迷都不会忘记上周的耻辱,曾五次夺得世界杯冠军的巴西队以0-3败给荷兰,争夺世界杯季军的希望破灭。这是意外结果吗?

    This week will long be woefully remembered by many Brazilian soccer fans as one of shame , with the five-time World Cup winner 's hopes of victory being dashed in a game against the Netherlands , which it lost 3-0 . Was it a surprise ?

  29. 由于巴西足球队培养了很多出色的男球员,巴西的女足运动员几十年来一直得以手牵手出现在国际舞台上。这听起来有点奇怪,但巴西女足直到现在才终于第一次踏进了世界杯决赛场。

    They 've gone hand and hand for decades on the international stage , thanks in great part to the many talented men who play the game , this may sound a bit strange but the Brazilian women have never played at the championship match of their world cup until now .

  30. 不断发酵的国际足联(Fifa)腐败丑闻可能牵涉到巴西国家足球队的赞助商&美国运动装企业耐克(Nike),以及在拉美赞助足球运动的其他跨国企业。

    The growing scandal over corruption at Fifa is threatening to entangle Nike , the US sportswear company that is a sponsor of the Brazilian national football squad , and other multinational sponsors of the game in Latin America .