- 动sing to string accompaniment;means of education
- 名sing to string accompaniment;means of education

[sing to the accompaniment of stringed instruments] 用琴瑟等伴奏歌唱
Another form for Concert Harmonious Qin and Se is Xuan Ge .
Two Cultured Odes Intoned for Long-Explaining Traditional Culture Meaning of Two Old School Songs of Xinmin Normal College of Shenyang University
I will analyze the relationship of folk-customs and folk-custom beliefs under the combination of the divine levels and specific ritual objects .
This paper will analyze the contents and the worship of the " Shenxian songs " under the combination of folk-customs and folk-custom beliefs .
In the introductory section , this paper will make an overview of the " Shenxian songs ", and indicate the research purposes , meanings and methods of this thesis .