
xián zhóu
  • peg;tuning peg
  1. 关于提高钢琴弦轴板音准稳定性的探讨

    A study of improving tone stability of pin block in piano

  2. 吉他的装置(即弦轴和蜗杆与齿式轮)

    Guitar mechanism ( i.e. , pegs and worm-and tooth wheels )

  3. 把维尔琴坚固的琴身和雷贝克琴巧妙的弦轴安排组合在一起,就产生了一组新的乐器。

    By combining the sturdy body of the vielle with the clever arrangement of the pegs in the rebec , a new group of instruments was born .

  4. 弦轴板:利用德国传统的制造工艺,以进口枫木、色木为原料,通过特种技术加工。

    Board of String Spindle : We use Germany traditional manufacture process and take imported maple , stained wood as raw materials to process under special technique .