
xián qiē jiǎo
  • angle of osculation
弦切角 [xián qiē jiǎo]
  • [angle of osculation] 圆的切线和过切点的弦所成的角

弦切角[xián qiē jiǎo]
  1. 利用弦切角近似值计算缓和曲线上点的坐标适用范围

    Calculation of the Applicable Range of Coordinate Corresponding to the Point at Easement Curve by Utilizing Approximate Value of Chord Tangent Angle

  2. 提出了有理双圆弧插值的算法,其中包括建立连续性方程,计算弦切角以及构造样条曲线。

    The interpolation of rational bicircular arcs is provided , that contains the establishing equation of continuity , calculating the angles between chords and cutting lines , and constructing the spline curves .