
  1. 本文结合新集刘庄煤矿E2-1305工作面回采巷道掘进,对大断面煤巷综掘锚杆支护快速掘进关键技术问题进行研究。

    The paper , combining the gateway of E2-1305 coal face of Liu zhuang coal mine , has done the research to t fully-mechanized fast driving for large cross section coal roadway .

  2. 中国第一个煤炭地下气化工业性试验基地&唐山刘庄煤矿两座地下气化炉点火成功。

    May18,1996 , China 's first industrial test of underground coal gasification base-two underground coal mine in Tangshan Liu gasifier ignition success .