
  • 网络wilde;Oscar Wilde;wilder;O.Wilde
  1. 王尔德的遁世美学及其折射的道家精神

    Oscar Wilde 's Escapist Aesthetics and the Taoist Spirit It Reflects

  2. 王尔德的中国译者和知音:田汉

    Chinese Translator and Alter Ego of Oscar Wilde & Tian Han

  3. 本文选择了奥斯卡·王尔德最著名童话TheHappyPrince的三个中文译本进行分析比较。

    In this thesis , three Chinese versions of The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde are selected to complete a comparative study .

  4. 奥斯卡•王尔德(OscarWilde)可能会这么说,在经济学中,真相很少是纯粹的,也从来不会是简单的。

    As Oscar Wilde might have said , in economics , the truth is rarely pure and never simple .

  5. 我们还谈到了伪装的面具、奥斯卡王尔德(oscarwilde)、演出的性质,以及艺术家对事业孜孜以求的需要。

    We talk about masks and Oscar Wilde and the nature of performance and the need of artists to pursue their vocations .

  6. 通过他笔下的英国Dandy、倒置的人物形象与关系,王尔德平衡了其文化身份认同的困惑与焦虑。

    Through the British Dandy , the inverted character image and relations , Oscar achieved a balance on his bewilderment and anxiety of the cultural recognizing .

  7. 奥利维亚•王尔德、朱丽安娜•玛格丽丝、朱丽安•摩尔、J罗、格洛丽亚•斯泰纳姆(只是为了证明我们是认真的),碧昂丝-是的,碧昂丝以及帕德玛•拉克希米、简•林奇就在那里。

    Olivia Wilde , Julianna Margulies , Julianne Moore , J Lo , Gloria Steinem ( just to prove we mean business ), Beyonc é – yes , Beyonc é . And Padma Lakshmi . Jane Lynch is in there .

  8. L’Hotel(布杂艺术路13号6幢;33-1-44-41-99-00;l-hotel.com)始建于1827年,是奥斯卡·王尔德(OscarWilde)最后居住的地方,在巴黎人心中有着特殊地位。

    Built in 1827 , L'Hotel ( 13 rue des Beaux Arts , Sixth , 33-1-44-41-99-00 ; l-hotel . com ) is the last place that Oscar Wilde resided , and holds a special place in Parisians " hearts .

  9. 论边缘人身份对王尔德思想与创作的影响

    The Influence of Marginal Identity on Wilde 's Thoughts and Writing

  10. 王尔德就是深得上天宠爱的一位杰出天才。

    Wilde is deep ascends the sky a love outstanding talent .

  11. 奥斯卡王尔德&《道林格雷的画像》(1980)

    Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Grey ( 1890 )

  12. 每一例相爱都是(借用奥斯卡•王尔德的一句话)希望压倒自知之明的伟大胜利。

    Every fall into love involves the triumph of hope over self-knowledge .

  13. 论奥斯卡·王尔德《认真的重要》中的双重性

    The Duality in Oscar Wilde 's Comedy The Importance of Being Earnest

  14. 作为对安徒生反讽的王尔德童话

    The Fairy-tales of Oscar Wilde : an Irony to Andersen

  15. 论王尔德唯美主义与童话的契合

    On the Correspondence Between Wilde ′ s Aestheticism and His Fairy Tales

  16. 或许是因为这些批评,王尔德之后再没写过任何一部小说。

    Perhaps it rubbed off : Wilde never wrote another novel again .

  17. 毫无疑问,王尔德是一位杰出的唯美主义者。

    Nobody will deny that Wilde is an outstanding aesthete .

  18. 王尔德的《莎乐美》及其圣经原型

    On Oscar Wilder 's Salome and Archetypes in the Bible

  19. 中西方文学语境下的王尔德童话

    Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales in the Chinese-Foreign Literary Contexts

  20. 早在1912,传记作者声称王尔德感染了梅毒。

    As early as 1912 , biographers claimed that Wilde had syphilis .

  21. 王尔德童话的宗教原型解析

    Analysis of Religious Prototype In Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales

  22. 王尔德社会喜剧中的家庭观

    Oscar Wild 's Society Comedies : From the Perspective of Family Ethics

  23. 他在试着撰写一部王尔德的传记。

    He was trying to write a life of wilde .

  24. 王尔德说,我什么都能抵挡,除了诱惑。

    Oscar Wilde said , I can resist anything , except temptation .

  25. 然而,一个令人震惊的丑闻,一场轰动的审判毁了王尔德。

    However , a shocking scandal and a sensational trial ruined Wilde .

  26. 王尔德为孩子们写的一个故事,于1888年5月首次出版。

    Is a story for children by Wilde first published in May 1888 .

  27. 王尔德先生根据目录核对这些物品的时候,我们就在一旁等待。

    We waited while Mr Wilde checked off the things on the list .

  28. 论唯美主义的矛盾性&王尔德童话作品研究

    The Contradictions of Aestheticism : A Study on Oscar Wilde 's Fairy Tales

  29. 剧作家奥斯卡?王尔德以他的诙谐短诗着称。

    The playwright Oscar Wilde was notedfor his epigrams .

  30. 从中西审美文化交融的角度看王尔德

    Wilde in Cultural Exchange Between Chines and Western Aesthetic