
qiān xū
  • modest;humility;self-effacing;make modest remarks
谦虚 [qiān xū]
  • [modest] 虚心,不夸大自己的能力或价值;没有虚夸或自负;不鲁莽或不一意孤行

  • 谦虚谨慎

  • [make modest remarks] 说谦虚的话

  • 谦虚一番

谦虚[qiān xū]
  1. 他很谦虚,不愿谈及自己的成功。

    He was modest and diffident about his own success .

  2. 他一如既往,对自己的成就很谦虚。

    He was typically modest about his achievements .

  3. 她对自己的成功非常谦虚。

    She 's very modest about her success .

  4. 你太谦虚了!

    You 're too modest !

  5. 他的表演非常出色,但他却很谦虚。

    He gave a great performance , but he was very humble

  6. 他是一名谦虚而伟大的运动员。

    He 's modest , as well as being a great player

  7. 他们说起自己设法使油轮漂浮的英勇之举时非常谦虚。

    They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat

  8. 他过于谦虚,甚至到了自我轻视的程度。

    He was modest to the point of self-effacement .

  9. 他表演这个角色时倾注了巨大的心血,而且非常谦虚和善。

    He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modesty .

  10. 私下里他文静、谦虚、不事张扬。

    Personally he was quiet , modest and unobtrusive

  11. 卡林顿勋爵对自己取得的成绩非常谦虚。

    Lord Carrington is modest about his achievements .

  12. “你表面谦虚,骨子里目中无人。”她说道。

    ' Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit , ' she said .

  13. 谦虚被认为是一种美德。

    Humility is considered a virtue .

  14. 很多作家都是故作谦虚,但福特却似乎表里如一。

    In many writers modesty is a pose , but in Ford it seems to have been genuine .

  15. 在他的许多美德中有谦虚、勇敢和忠诚。

    Among his many virtues are courtesy , courage and loyalty .

  16. 他对自己的成就很谦虚。

    He is very modest about his success .

  17. 我们一定要谦虚,因为我们周围充满了我们还不理解的事物。

    We must be humble , for we are compassed by mysteries .

  18. 要谦虚,否则就要落后。

    Be modest , otherwise you will lag behind .

  19. 谦虚是一种美德。

    Modesty is a kind of virtue .

  20. 他因谦虚而赢得盛赞。

    He won praises for his modesty .

  21. 谦虚使人进步。

    Modesty helps one to go forward .

  22. 这位校长很谦虚。

    This headmaster is very modest .

  23. 他参加过许多战役,立下了汗马功劳,但他仍然很谦虚。

    He fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits , but he remains humble in spirits .

  24. 约翰,不要过于谦虚。让大家知道你的才能吧。

    John , don 't hide your light under a bushel . Let the world see what you can do .

  25. 勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。

    Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success .

  26. 父母叮嘱我们要以谦虚的态度向别人学习。

    Parents told us that we would study from others in a modest attitude .

  27. 骄傲使人落后,谦虚使人进步。

    As conceit makes one lag behind , so modesty helps one make progress .

  28. 过分谦虚,就显得虚伪了。

    Modesty carried too far smacks of hypocrisy .

  29. 他谦虚了一番,终于答应来作一次演讲。

    After making a few modest remarks he finally agreed to come and give a talk .

  30. 她很谦虚,赞扬声像浪潮般向她袭来,她也不会被冲昏头脑。

    She being a modest woman her head was by no means turned by the acclaim which broke over her .