
  • 网络Yongxiu county
  1. 永修县3263名幼托儿童和中小学生龋病发病情况调查报告

    A Survey of Dental Caries among 3263 Nursery Children and School Pupils in Yongxiu County

  2. 修潦尾闾鄱阳湖区永修县洪水分析与对策

    Flood analysis and flood control countermeasure of Yongxiu county of Poyang Lake Area in the sink of Xiu River and Liao River

  3. 永修县水稻黑条矮缩病发生调查及防治对策

    Occurrence and Controlling Measures of Rice Black-streaked Dwarf Viral Disease in Yongxiu County of Jiangxi Province

  4. 而规划期间确定的永修县耕地保有量必须确保本区域的粮食安全。

    The least cultivated areas of Yongxiu must guarantee its own grain security during this period .

  5. 永修县水资源承载指数为83.97,水资源承载压力度为0.30,可以继续开发利用的水资源丰富。

    The index of water bearing capacity is 83.97 and the pressure degree of water bearing capacity is 0.30 , in Yongxiu County .

  6. 耕地产能核算结果表明,只要加大对农业的投入,包括基础设施建设和科技投入,在未来若干年内,永修县耕地产能单产将会有很大的增产潜力。

    Farmland productivity accounting results show that there will be a great increase potential of Yongxiu County ' production capacity , as long as increase investment in agriculture , including investment in infrastructure and technology in next few years .

  7. 第三,结合永修县农村合作经济组织发展的现状及问题,进行绩效研究,提出了相应的解决对策等三个问题,以期能对永修县农村合作经济的发展有所指导意义。

    Thirdly combined with Yongxiu rural cooperatives economic organizations ' status quo and problems , this paper does a performance study and put forward corresponding measures and other two problems , looking forward it will have significance to Yongxiu rural cooperatives economic organizations ' development .

  8. 永修县耕地潜在生产力为14055.62kg/hm~2,现实生产力为6175kg/hm~2,还有56%的耕地生产潜力可以开发。

    The potential productivity of cultivated land in Yongxiu County is 14055.62 kg / hm ~ 2 , and the current productivity of cultivated land is 6175 kg / hm ~ 2 , so there are 56 % of the productive potentiality which can be developed .