
  1. 灵山多秀色,空水共氤氲。(张九龄《湖口望庐山瀑布泉》)

    The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight , | of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall 's headlong flight .

  2. 从功能语法的角度看《望庐山瀑布》英译的特点

    On Features of Chinese Four-line Poems Translation from the Angle of Functional Grammar

  3. 除了庐山瀑布,其它许多曾被中国古代诗人吟咏的壮美风景也正在消失。

    Many other magnificent natural scenes appreciated by ancient Chinese poets are also disappearing .

  4. 桂林天然岩洞,黄山各种松树,庐山千丈瀑布,杭州西湖等景致,构成了世上少有的完美风景胜览。

    The scenic spots , such as natural caves in Guilin , all sorts of pines on Mount Huangshan , the thousand-zhang waterfall of Mount Lushan , the West Lake in Hangzhou , constitute the wonderful scenery rarely to Be found in the world .