
  • 网络Yongding District
  1. 张家界市永定区基础教育资源均衡配置研究

    A Balanced Allocation of the Basis Educational Resources of Yongding District , Zhangjiajie City

  2. 张家界市永定区优质生态型烤烟病害的发生及控制研究

    Occurrence and Control of Diseases on Ecological Type Flue-cured Tobacco in Yongding District , Zhangjiajie City

  3. 基于GIS的区域人口密度空间分布模拟&以张家界市永定区为例

    A GIS-based method for simulating spatial distribution of regional population density-A case study of Yongding district , Zhangjiajie

  4. 结果显示,永定区流通产业的发展水平远远领先于其他7个区县。

    The result shows Yongding District is far ahead of others in terms of the development level of circulation industry .

  5. 调查结果表明在永定区烟草上的主要侵染性病害为病毒病、黑胫病、赤星病。

    Survey results showed that the major infectious diseases on tobacco crop are virus disease , black shank , and brown spot .

  6. 张家界夹烟永定区发夹式烟夹每千克干烟耗煤量、人工费和烘烤成本都较高。

    Zhangjiajie clamp smoke yongding district hairpin type smoke clamp per kg of dry smoke coal consumption , labor , and baking cost is higher .

  7. 湖南汉唐弹簧式烟夹、张家界永定区发夹式烟夹、长沙鑫迪针式烟夹评定等级较低。

    Hunan tang spring type smoke clamp , zhangjiajie yongding district hairpin type smoke clamp , changsha xin di pin type smoke clip rating level is low .

  8. 经永定区国土资源局审定,两名报名对象均符合竞买条件有资格参加竞买活动。

    Yong Dingqu by Land Resources Bureau approval , the application of two objects are in line with the bidding conditions are eligible to participate in the bidding activities .

  9. 结合永定区的病害发生、土壤和气候条件,提出了优质生态型烤烟配套技术,该技术的初步应用结果表明,对烤烟病害有较好的控制效果,明显提高了经济效益。

    Based on the diseases occurred , soil and climatic conditions , an ecological type flue-cured tobacco matching technique is suggested , the initial application of which results showed that the disease of flue-cured tobacco had better control , and economic efficiency improved .

  10. 永定河流域典型区土地利用/覆被变化

    Study on Land Use / Cover Change in Typical Areas of Yongding River Watershed

  11. 因地制宜发展永定河沙泛区林果业&对廊坊市中部四县(区)林果业发展情况的调研报告

    Develop the Forestry and Fruit Industry of Sand Strip along Yongding River to suit the Local Condition & Investigation Record to the Development of the Forestry and Fruit Industry of the Four Counties in the Middle Region of Lanfang City