
  • 网络gene technology;Genentech
  1. 阿西替尼通过抑制肿瘤血管的生成来起到抗癌的作用,与基因技术公司开发的阿瓦斯丁(该药物用于治疗结肠癌和肺癌)类似。

    Axitinib was designed to block the creation of blood vessels that feed tumors , similar to Genentech Inc. 's ( DNA ) Avastin , which is used to treat colorectal and lung cancers .

  2. 基因技术本月早些时候表示,截至11月30日他们将不允许分销商将阿瓦斯丁销售给配药房。

    Genentech said earlier this month that it wouldn 't allow distributors to sell Avastin to compounding pharmacies as of Nov.30 .

  3. 用IGF桔抗剂抑制其生物活性或运用反义IGF基因技术阻断其合成合分泌,从根本上抑制细胞增殖反应,有可能成为治疗肺动脉高压的有效方法。

    Inhibiting its biological activity by IGF-IT antagonist or blocking its local synthesis and secretion by an sense IGF-1 gene technology may become a new therapy for HPH .

  4. 基因技术也被尝试通过阻止肿瘤组织血管起源性内皮细胞表达CD105,从而来抑制微血管形成。

    Gene technique also used to prevent the formation of CD105 on surface of endothelial cells in tumor tissues , so that could inhibit angiogenesis .

  5. 本文主要对生物转化中的Baeyer-Villiger氧化反应在利用酶或细胞作为催化剂时存在的问题和解决方法以及基因技术的运用近况进行了综述。

    This article mainly summarizes the state-of-the-art situation for the problem and solutions when isolated enzymes or intact cells are used as catalysts in Baeyer-Villiger oxidations as well as the application of gene technology in Baeyer-Villiger oxidations .

  6. 随着基因技术的日益进步,个人的基因隐私不断地被侵犯。

    With the development of gene-tech , the genetic privacy has being infringed .

  7. 论基因技术共同体的社会责任

    The social responsibility of the community of gene technology

  8. 基因技术的道德哲学革命

    A Revolution in the Moral Philosophy of Gene Technology

  9. 基因技术与人的自身改造

    Gene Technology and the Human Being 's Self-remolding

  10. 论基因技术的专利保护

    On the Patent Protection of Genetical Technology

  11. 基因技术、法律与伦理

    Genetic Technology , Laws and Ethics

  12. 随着基因技术的发展,人们对基因专利的争论日趋激烈。

    With the development of gene technology , the arguments about gene patenting are very heated .

  13. 生物基因技术是对人类生活产生重要影响的科学技术之一。

    Genetic technology is one of biological technology which plays an important impact on human life .

  14. 基因技术与社会不公平

    Gene Technology and Social Unfairness

  15. 基因技术与伦理

    Gene Technology and Ethics

  16. 分析与讨论这些问题,折射的不仅是基因技术发展对人文关怀的需要和渴望,也是完善生命、发展生命伦理学的必然要求。

    It is necessary to analyze and discuss all the problems to meet the request for the development of bioethics .

  17. 第四部分论述基因技术道德调控的政治保证和法律约束。

    The fourth part expatiated on the political guarantee and the lawful restraint of the gene technology 's ethic control .

  18. 基因技术的研究,使人们对未来有着美好的憧憬和无限的遐想,但随之而来的却是人类无法回避的一系列伦理道德问题。

    The research in gene technology has brought mankind a series of unavoidable ethical problems in addition to a vision of an exciting future .

  19. 我国目前还没有一部对基因技术的研究、开发和利用等方面做出系统规范的法律。

    So far , China has not enacted a systematical and normal law to regulate the research , development and utilization of gene technology .

  20. 同时,随着基因技术进步这项客观条件的不断变化,过去的经验用于预测未来情况存在溢出风险。

    Meanwhile , with the advances in gene technology changing , The past experience is used to predict future if there is an overflow condition exists .

  21. 基因技术为提高人类生存素质和全球经济发展提供了新的机遇,但同时也带来一系列问题和威胁。

    Gene technology provides a new chance for improving people 's living quality and world economic development ; meanwhile it brings a series of problems and threats .

  22. 乳腺生物反应器属于转基因动物的范畴,自转基因技术创立以来,几十年里取得了巨大进展,拥有着广阔的应用前景。

    Animal mammary gland bioreactor is part of transgenic animal , which has been made great progress during the past decades since the transgenic technology was created . It has good application prospects .

  23. 随着科学技术特别是基因技术的发展,在许多植物品种上已经实现了按人的意志改良作物的愿望,大大提高农作物的产量、品质和抗性,提高农业生产效率。

    With the development of science and technology , especially Gene technology , the wish has already realized according to human 's will to improve the crops ' output in many plant varieties .

  24. 随着基因技术的发展,基因治疗肿瘤成为研究的热点,研究者们对肝癌的基因治疗做了大量的有意义的研究工作,取得了一些令人鼓舞的结果。

    Along with the development of genetic techniques , gene therapy has become a spotlight of cancer treatment . With a great number of meaningful researches by a lot of researchers in this field , inspiring achievements have been made .

  25. 随着蛋白质基因技术、组织再生医学及药物科学的发展和交叉,应用于组合装置的先进药物控释涂层研究已成为生物医用植入体和组织再生材料研究的重要内容。

    With the development and interdisciplines of protein technology , gene technology , tissue regeneration medicine and pharmacy , advanced drug controlled release coatings applied in drug / medical devices becomes an important issue of biomedical implants and tissue regenerative materials .

  26. 鉴于此,本文提出敬畏伦理、责任伦理和发展伦理,主张以敬畏生命的理性精神、超前责任意识和科学发展视野来应对基因技术的伦理挑战,为解答基因伦理研究问题寻求理论依据。

    In view of this , I claim on the awe ethics , development ethics , responsibility ethics and advocate the spirit of respecting life , the sense of responsibility and the concept of development or coordination to deal with the ethical challenges of gene technology .

  27. 我们可以使用基因工程技术把相关基因分离出来。

    We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible

  28. 对重要术语没有定义:如单性生殖技术、基因修饰技术等。

    No definition of terminologies : parthenogenetic reproduction technique , gene modification technique .

  29. 他们利用基因编辑技术使小老鼠和人类肺细胞中的这种蛋白质失去其功能,从而起到了完全的防护作用。

    Disabling the protein in mice and human lung cells using gene5 editing led to complete protection .

  30. 基于分子杂交和单分子PCR的同源基因克隆技术

    Homology Cloning Based on Molecular Hybridization and Single Molecular PCR