
sī chónɡ bìnɡ
  • filariasis
  • filariasis
丝虫病 [sī chóng bìng]
  • [arioses;filariasis] 丝虫寄生或丝虫引起的疾病

  1. 采用EXCEL软件建立丝虫病监测资料管理数据库的初步探讨

    Establishment on database of filariasis surveillance by Excel software

  2. 检测IgG、IgM抗体对考核丝虫病疗效的观察

    Observations on the Detection of IgG and IgM Antibody for Assessment of Curative Effect in Filariasis

  3. 目的建立犬恶丝虫病的ELISA诊断方法。

    Objective To establish diagnostic method of ELISA on heartworm disease .

  4. 结论成功建立犬恶丝虫病ELISA诊断方法,可替代虫检法对犬恶丝虫病进行早期诊断。

    Conclusion The ELISA could replace the parasite examination in dirofilariasis diagnosis in earlier period .

  5. 目的:评价班氏丝虫特异生物素DNA探针/PCR系统用于丝虫病防治后期蚊媒监测的效果。

    AIM : To evaluate the usefulness of biotin-DNA probe / PCR system for post control surveillance of Bancroftian filariasis in mosquito .

  6. 在班氏丝虫病流行区监测试点用ICT检测776人,阳性1例;

    Only one of 776 children in endemic area was ICT positive .

  7. 因此认为,牛丝虫G抗原可以作为人丝虫病的异种抗原诊断试剂。

    Thus , it suggested that the bovine setaria G antigen may be exploited as a diagnostic reagent of heterogenous anti - gen for human filariasis .

  8. 丝虫病传播已经阻断。本文考虑了选址区域内存在地理阻断情况下的一种基于GIS的选址问题。

    All the facts suggested that filariasis transmission was interrupted . Based on GIS , this paper proposes a distribution center location model with geographic gaps in the selection area .

  9. 免疫印迹法检测HIV抗体出现假阳性的结果检测基本消除丝虫病后出生的儿童542人,未检出抗体阳性者;

    A Report of False-positive in HIV Western Blot Test Of 542 cases of the children born after filariasis was eliminated in the area , no positive case was found .

  10. 应用丝虫特异性IgG4检测试剂盒在湖南省消除丝虫病地区的监测

    Detection of Filaria in Hunan Using Filaria-Specific IgG4 Antibody Testing Kit

  11. 方法:丝虫病ICT系采用单克隆抗体检测血中班氏丝虫抗原。

    METHODS : The monoclonal antibody based ICT assay was used to detect filarial antigens in the sera from bancroftian filariasis patients .

  12. 结论丝虫特异性IgG4检测试剂盒敏感性和特异性较高,可以用于消除丝虫病地区监测的筛查和防治效果评价。

    Conclusion The filaria-specific IgG4 testing kit is sensitivity and specificity for filaria .

  13. 检测特异IgG4用于丝虫病监测的研究

    Detection of specific IgG4 in the surveillance of filariasis

  14. 结果仅消灭丝虫病地区人群中1例(以往血检阴性)丝虫特异IgG4强阳性,ICT丝虫抗原弱阳性,但反复镜检未发现微丝蚴。

    Only one person in filariasis eliminated area was strongly positive for specific IgG4 and weakly positive for filarial antigens .

  15. 丝虫特异IgG4试剂盒在流动人口丝虫病监测中的应用

    Application of filarial-specific IgG4 testing kit in the surveillance of filarial infection in mobile population

  16. 结论丝虫特异IgG特异检测试剂盒具有较高的灵敏度和特异度,适合于消除丝虫病地区流行病学监测和防治效果考核。

    Conclusion The filariasis-special IgG4 testing kit has high sensitivity and specificity . It is suitable for epidemiological investigation and assessing the effects of prevention and treatment in filariasis eliminated area .

  17. 丝虫特异IgG4试剂盒在消除丝虫病地区应用价值的探讨

    The application value of filariasis - special IgG4 testing kit in areas where filariasis was eliminated

  18. 但仍有较高的抗体阳性率,而IgM抗体已大部转阴,转阴速度较快,提示在丝虫病防治后期检测IgM抗体的转阴率,可以作为考核疗效和疫情监测的一种方法。

    It is suggested that to detect IgM antibody can be used as an assessment method of curative effect and epidemiological surveillance at the late stage of filariasis control .

  19. 国内外有许多犬恶丝虫病检测方法的报道,如:微丝蚴检查、血凝试验、琼脂扩散试验、补体结合试验、荧光抗体标记技术、PCR法等,但效果均不理想。

    So far there are no ideal diagnostic although many detection methods were reported , such as : microfilaria examination , blood clotting tests , agar diffusion test , complement fixation test , fluorescent antibody labeling , PCR method .

  20. 目前治疗盘尾丝虫病的手段是使用一种叫做伊维菌素(ivermectin)的药物,它杀死幼虫,但是对成虫无效。

    The current treatment for river blindness is the drug ivermectin , which kills larval parasites but not the adult worms .

  21. 湖南省湘西边远贫困地区消除丝虫病后丝虫特异IgG4及快速免疫色谱检测分析

    Detection of Filarial-specific IgG4 Antibodies and Rapid Immunochromatographic Filariasis Test in Remote and Penniless Areas in Western Hunan Province after Filariasis Elimination

  22. 淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)是班氏丝虫病和流行性乙型脑炎等疾病的重要传播媒介,广泛存在于我国北方地区。

    Culex pipiens pallens is one of important media to transmit Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti and epidemic encephalitis B and so on which is widely found in northern China .

  23. 目的建立丝虫特异IgG4检测试剂盒,根据检测不同样本的敏感性、特异性及重复性,评价其用于丝虫病防治后期流行病学调查和疾病监测的价值。

    Objective To develop filariasis-special IgG4 testing kit and to evaluate it 's value in epidemiological investigation and the disease surveillance at the late stage of filariasis control .

  24. CDC6600数据处理系统的并行操作山东省十年来丝虫病防治研究进展

    Progress in the control of and research in filariasis in Shandong Province during the past ten years

  25. 来自爱尔兰的Campbell和日本教授大村智因研制一种新型药材而获奖。这种名为“阿维菌素”的药材可用来对抗河盲(盘尾丝虫病)和淋巴丝虫病,并在对抗其他寄生虫病上效果显著。

    Irish-born Campbell and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for discovering a new drug , avermectin , that has helped the battle against river blindness and lymphatic filariasis , as well as showing effectiveness against other parasitic diseases .

  26. 因此,世卫组织于2000年发起了消除淋巴丝虫病全球计划(GPELF),目标是在2020年消除淋巴丝虫病这一公共卫生问题。

    In response , WHO launched its Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis ( GPELF ) in2000.The goal of the GPELF is to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public-health problem by2020 .

  27. 检测原班氏丝虫病高、中度流行区正常人群滤纸干血的特异IgG4阳性率分别为0.79%(6/760)和0.27%(3/1095)。

    When the dry blood spots of healthy persons from previously heavy and moderate-endemic of bancroftian filariasis areas were examined , the IgG4 positive rates were found to be 0 . 79 % ( 6 / 760 ) and 0 . 27 % ( 3 / 1095 ) respectively .

  28. 广州市花都区消灭丝虫病的研究

    Study on the Eradication of Filariasis in Huadu District of Guangzhou

  29. 济南市消除淋巴丝虫病的对策与效果

    Study on strategies and effect of eliminating filariasis in Jinan City

  30. 结论丝虫病普查可从3岁开始,特别不可忽视老年人的受检;

    Conclusion Surveillance of filariasis should not ignore the aged people .