- sericin

Synthesis and Characterization of Silk Sericin / Hydroxyapatite Composite with Enamel-like Microstructure
Sericin is by-product of silk in industry and be processed into sericin polypeptide by degradation treatment .
Cationic crosslinker DE was used to cure sericin on soybean protein fibers , and an improved process for this combined modification was detd .
PEG-DE caused the condensed structure of sericin films to change .
Dissolving the freeze-dried sericin protein with HFIP as the solvent and eventually making into 5 % ( w / v ) solution .
Studies on Skin Care Function and Application of Sericin Protein Fluid
The result showed that polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether cross linked sericin obviously .
Structure , Property and Utilization of Silk Sericin
Various concentrations of three sericin protein have no obvious effect on cell morphology .
Silk is a natural protein that is mainly made of sericin and fibroin proteins .
A study on fouling and cleaning of membrane during ultrafiltration waste water of silk factory
Spray Drying Condensed Sericin Liquid
Preparation of Sericin Membranes
A large quantity of sericin exits in the wastewater drained by the producers of silk yarn and silk fabrics .
Moreover , the difference of absorption properties for two fibrous proteins , spider protein and silk protein , was analyzed and discussed , respectively .
The paper mainly introduced the super skin-care functions of the sericin and its application status in the fields of fiber and textiles in the world .
As the increase of SP grafting rate , the hygroscopicity and capillary effect increased , the contact angle , decreased and the antistatic property was improved .
The cause of poor reelability of inferior cocoons , as analysed by fibroinchemical theory , lies in the structural non-homogeneity and difference of bothcocoon and silk .
In order to make use of the unique properties of sericin , materials made mainly from sericin were synthesized by interpenetrating polymer networks to form environmental sensitive hydrogels .
A large amount of sericin protein was synthesized after the 5th day of the last instar and its synthetic activity was the highest on the last day of the 5th instar .
Using skin care function of sericin protein , the success " Natural Sericin Skin Care Serum " was developed , which had the function of bacteria resistant , bacteriostasis , and skin care .
About the dialyze-method , under the circumstances of 8 000 ~ 20 000 D for the dialyzable membrane , the receive ratio of tussah was 20.0 % , and the receive ratio of silkworm can reach 81.5 % .
Investigation on the protein varieties in the middle silkgland cells of silkworm , Bombyx ( mori ), during 5 ~ ( th ) instar stage could find out the functional proteins concerning with the secretion of the sericin protein .
The Internal Function of Collagen Filiform in Living Things ; Research on the aging of silk with different sericin by FTIR
The expression of silk protein gene is strictly subject to time and space constraints , which sericin protein is largely synthesized in middle silk gland and fibroin protein is highly expressed during the middle and late fifth instar .
The result shows that the method of FeSO_4 and Ca ( OH ) _2 is more effective than that of other methods , the recovery rate is high , and the extracted sericin is easy to dissolve in water after salt solution treatment .
Silk sericin protein powder can be produced from the sericin solution by the processing of degumming in the high temperature and high pressure conditions , purifying , condensing and spray drying .
Sericin films with 30 to 40 percent of PEG-DE against sericin prepared by casting , showed good flexibility and high elongation at break .
We discuss the factors influence the warmth retention property as the foundation of the research . This paper researches the optimal sericin fixing process of cocoon silk with different sericin rate , and explores the application of sericin in the silk quilt .
In the traditional produce process of silk quilt , in order to improve the softness and reduce sericin denaturation , we through scouring process to remove sericin , which not only waste silk materials of excellent performance of sericin protein , but also cause the environmental pollution .