
  • 网络Suizhong County
  1. 锦州市及所辖的锦西、兴城市、锦县、绥中县;

    The Municipality of Jinzhou , and Jinxi City , Xingcheng City , Jinxian County , Suizhong County under its jurisdiction ;

  2. 杨利伟是在1983年从绥中县第二高中被部队选拔培养后成为一名优秀的飞行员的。

    Yang Liwei was recruited into the army from the second middle school in Suizhong County in1983 and then trained as an excellent air pilot .

  3. 第三章绥中县经济社会发展的SWOT分析。

    A SWOT mode was used in Chapter Three to analyze the economic and social development in Suizhong .

  4. 葫芦岛的绥中县有一处很特别的长处,这就是著名的九门口水上长城。

    There is a special section of the Great Wall located in Suizhong County of Huludao City .

  5. 辽东边墙东起丹东市宽甸县鸭绿江畔的虎山南麓,西至绥中县境内。

    The Liaodong Side Walls east from Tiger Mountain in the side of Yalu River in Kuandian County of Dandong and west to Suizhong County .

  6. 辽宁省绥中县地毯厂产品畅销美国、日本、比利时等国家和地区,供不应求。

    Products of Carpet Factory of Suizhong County , Liaoning province , sell well in countries and regions such as the US , Japan , Belgium , etc. , and supply falls short of demand .

  7. 代理人有权获得绥中招商引资项目资料和信息,有权参与绥中县在国内外开展的各类招商引资活动。

    Agents have the right to obtain the materials and information of the projects , to participate investment promotion activities of Suizhong County in both domestic and abroad .