
  • 网络major international commodities
  1. 此外,波罗的海运价指数(Balticfreightrateindex,衡量物料运输全球价格的指标)自去年夏季以来持续上升,这表明国际大宗商品贸易形势正在走强。

    Moreover , the Baltic freight rate index ( a measure of global rates charged to transport materials ) has surged since last summer , suggesting international commerce in commodities is strengthening .

  2. 因此,国际大宗商品价格上涨通过进口渠道传递到国内市场,引起国内工业生产者购进价格指数(IPI)、居民消费价格指数(CPI)的波动。

    Therefore , the rising international commodity prices delivered to the domestic market through import channels , causing fluctuations of industrial producer price index ( IPI ) and consumer price index ( CPI ) .

  3. 在国际大宗商品价格上涨的背景下,我国又发生了温和的通货膨胀。

    And when the international commodity prices were rising , China happened inflation .

  4. 中国国有企业过去也曾经在国际大宗商品市场上吃过亏。

    State-owned China Inc has been burned on the international commodities markets before .

  5. 12月份国际大宗商品价格飙升,1月份继续保持这一走势。

    Global commodity prices surged in December and continue to do so in January .

  6. 资本实力是获取国际大宗商品定价仅的前提与关键

    Capital Power is the Prerequisite and Key Issue to Obtain International Large Scale Commodities ' Price-fixing

  7. 尤其是在资源类商品上,中国的需求因素和生产因素成为了国际大宗商品价格变化的主要动力。

    Especially for resource commodity , consumption and production from China have become the main force for the change of commodity price .

  8. 近年国际大宗商品价格上涨的趋势明显,显现出国际市场上旺盛的需求和投机资本的贪婪炒作。

    The trend is clearly rising international commodity prices in recent years , showing strong demand in international markets and greedy speculative capital .

  9. 如今,你听到欧洲人说,通过燃烧我们的燃料,吃我们的粮食,他们不断推高了国际大宗商品价格。

    Now , you hear Europeans say , they are driving up international commodity prices by burning our fuel and eating our food .

  10. 但它仍属于一种不可再生资源,容易受到国际大宗商品市场波动的影响,而且其环境成本可能很高。

    But it is still an exhaustible resource , subject to the whims of international commodity markets , and carries potentially high environmental costs .

  11. 特别是金融危机之后,伴随国际大宗商品价格的恢复性上涨,国内的物价也在不断攀高,再次成为社会普遍关注的话题。

    After the financial crisis , with the recovery of international commodity prices , domestic prices are constantly rising , and become a focus topic .

  12. 国际大宗商品交易方式出现交易形式多样化、多层次化、交易组织联盟化、交易机制市场化等发展趋势。

    There are some tendencies in trading modes such as diversified and multi-leveled transaction forms , market-oriented transaction mechanism and alliances in international sale and purchase .

  13. 随着奥运后北京周边地区对工业活动限制的解除,国际大宗商品价格有望在中国需求猛增的推动下出现反弹。

    A surge in demand from China could cause a bounce in commodities prices as restrictions on industrial activity around Beijing are eased after the Olympics .

  14. 7月份食品价格通常会保持稳定。如果国际大宗商品价格继续下滑,本月成品油价格可能会再次下调。

    Food prices tend to be stable in July , and if international commodity prices continue to fall , another fuel price cut is possible during the month .

  15. 实证分析的结果说明:国际大宗商品价格波动对这些经济指标都是有影响的,相对而言,对货币供应量的影响不是十分显著。

    The empirical analysis show that : the international commodity price fluctuations have an impact on all the economic indicators , but it is not a significant effect on the money supply .

  16. 上海期货交易所理事长王立华昨日表示,在上期所寻求成为国际大宗商品交易中心之际,上述原油期货具有“战略”意义。

    Wang Lihua , head of the Shanghai Futures Exchange , yesterday said that the contract was " strategic " for the exchange as it sought to become an international commodities trading hub .

  17. 基于理论和实证分析的结论,本文从应对国际大宗商品价格波动的角度出发,提出了若干政策建议。

    Based on the conclusion of theoretical and empirical analysis , we put forward some policy suggestions on how China should take measures to alleviate the damages caused by international commodity price fluctuations .

  18. 这种咖啡豆以轻巧的形体和芬芳的果香闻名于世。国际大宗商品交易商和烘焙商表示,产自中国西南省份云南省的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,已成为欧洲阿拉比卡咖啡的主要混合原料。

    Known for its light body and fruity aroma , the coffee from the southwestern province of Yunnan has become a staple of European arabica blends , say international commodity traders and roasters .

  19. 加拿大的转变也伴随着风险,最近规模庞大的中国经济增长放缓以及加拿大本国的股指行情都凸显了这些风险,其中中国经济增长放缓还拖累了国际大宗商品和原油的价格。

    The shift carries risks , underscored by a recent slowing of China 's massive economy , which has weighed on international commodities and crude prices , and by extension Canada 's stock-market indexes .

  20. 分析其原因,从宏观角度来看,铁矿石作为国际大宗商品,其定价机制是非常复杂的,不能简单地用供需关系来解释。

    Analysis of the reasons , from a macro perspective , as an international commodity , the iron ore and its pricing mechanism is very complicated , can not be explained by a simple supply and demand .

  21. 实证结果表明:外部冲击能够通过进口价格传导到国内,但传递不完全;国际大宗商品价格的冲击最大,国际油价其次,汇率最弱。

    The empirical results show that : external shocks can be transmitted but not entirely to domestic prices through imports . The biggest shock comes from international commodity prices , followed by international oil prices , exchange rate last .

  22. 美联储通过量化宽松货币政策向世界注入了大量流动性,迫使外围国家货币被动升值,国际大宗商品价格持续上涨,新兴市场国家向临严峻的输入型通货膨胀和资产泡沫风险。

    The Fed injected large amount of liquidity into the world economy , forcing periphery countries ' currency to appreciate passively , the international commodity prices continuing to rise and the emerging market facing severe imported inflation and assets bubble risks .

  23. 英国中银国际全球大宗商品(BOCIGlobalCommodities)的首席执行官ArthurFan表示:LME交易量的50%以上针对中国客户,但是还没有中资投行直接为客户提供对冲业务。

    Arthur Fan , chief executive of BOCI Global Commodities in the UK , said : Over 50 per cent of the volume of the LME is for Chinese customers but there is no Chinese investment bank to provide hedge services directly to them .

  24. 家具是国际贸易大宗商品之一。

    Abstract Furniture is one of a large amount of commodities in international trade .

  25. 当前,国际战略性大宗商品市场博弈出现这样一种态势:交易方式对商品定价、企业竞争等产生重大影响。

    Trading modes play an important role in commodity pricing and enterprises competition in the international strategic commodity markets nowadays .

  26. 他认为国际社会大宗商品的价格不断上涨,而美欧经济疲软,失业率居高不下,国际上的许多不确定因素都将带来困难和压力,中国人民要有勇气和开放的态度来承受这一现实。

    He believes Chinese people should face , with resolve and open mind , the difficulties and pressures due to international uncertainties , such as the rising price of staple goods in the international community , the sluggish economy and high umemployment rate of America and Europe .

  27. 国际贸易中大宗商品包装的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Bulk Commodities ' Packaging in International Trade

  28. 切花产品已经成为国际上的大宗商品,对于切花的需求逐年增长。

    The cut flower has become large amounts of merchandise in the international trade , and the demand is increasing year by year .

  29. 本世纪七十年代以来,世界花卉产业发展迅速,花卉产品成为国际贸易的大宗商品,发达国家在花卉贸易中占优势地位。

    Ever since seventies of this century , the World Flower Industry develops rapidly . Flower products become the large scale commodity of International Trading , and developed countries predominate in flower trade .

  30. 许多学者认为,国际市场上主要大宗商品价格的普遍上涨是造成近两次输入型通货膨胀的主要原因之一。

    Many scholars believe that the general rise of commodity prices in international market is one of the main reasons of the recently twice imported inflation .