
lù yóu
  • route
路由[lù yóu]
  1. 这会将任务路由到ServiceAgents组的成员。

    This will route the tasks to the members of the Service_Agents group .

  2. 路由抖动是Internet不稳定的主要因素,频繁的路由抖动不仅加重了路由器的CPU处理负担,增加了网络的带宽消耗,严重情况下还会导致网络的瘫痪。

    Route flapping is the main factor of the Internet instability .

  3. 该系统是将各测点(分站)虚拟为中继站来实现多路由选择

    In this system , more routs are selected by dummy repeater technique .

  4. Internet域间路由系统:问题与挑战

    Internet Inter-Domain Routing System : Issues and Challenges

  5. Internet路由关联分析与监测系统设计

    Internet Routing Correlation Analysis and Monitoring System Design

  6. 综合业务Internet及其路由策略

    Integrated Services Internet and Its Routing Strategy

  7. Internet中的多播路由选择算法

    Optimal Multicast Routing Algorithm in the Internet

  8. IP网中约束路由的一种算法研究

    Study on Constraint - based Routing over IP Network

  9. PushService允许添加商务逻辑,提供记录和路由控制。

    The Push Service allows the addition of business logic , to provide billing and routing control .

  10. 它跟踪系统IP地址、网络掩码、路由和网关信息。

    It tracks system IP addresses , netmasks , routes , and gateway information .

  11. 关于IP多播路由协议的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of IP Multicast Routing Protocol

  12. LSCR:一种MobileAdHoc网络链路状态分组路由算法

    LSCR : A Link State-Based Cluster Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad hoc Network

  13. LINUX路由工程的应用与实现

    The Practical Application and Envisage of the LINUX Router Project

  14. 延迟主导的自适应移动adhoc网络路由协议

    A Delay Oriented Adaptive Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

  15. 移动IP路由技术研究

    Research of Routing Technology in Mobile IP

  16. QoS路由中一种有效的多受限优化路径选择算法

    An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-Constrained Optimal Path Selection in QoS Routing

  17. InternetQoS路由与业务工程

    Internet QoS Routing and Traffic Engineering

  18. 任播路由协议在移动adhoc网络中的应用研究

    Application research on anycast-routing protocol of mobile Ad hoc networks

  19. 只有综合应用策略路由、数据报分类调度和标签交换才能有效实现Internet环境下对端到端服务质量的控制;

    MPLS must be used in company with policy based routing and packet classification to provide end-to-end QoS service in Internet ;

  20. QoS组播路由问题的多目标规划模型研究

    A New Multi-Objective Programming Model of Qos-based Multicast Routing Problem

  21. 在Internet集成服务模型中,QoS路由选择是解决实时多媒体传输的一个关键技术。

    QoS-based Routing is an important technology to support real-time multimedia communications in Internet Integrated Service Model .

  22. 移动adhoc网的一种新的自组织组网和路由算法

    A New Algorithm for Self-Organized Mobile Ad Hoc Network

  23. 移动IP的路由及其安全

    Mobile IP Routing and Security

  24. IP多播路由选择及应用

    IP Multicast Routing and Applications

  25. QoS路由算法性能评价模型的研究

    Research on the evaluation model for QoS routing performance

  26. RBLCP:一种覆盖网络的QoS路由改进算法

    RBLCP : improved QoS-aware routing algorithm for overlay networks

  27. 另一个QoS路由问题涉及到QoS分配的概念。

    Another QoS routing problem is related to the notion of QoS partition .

  28. WDM网络中考虑Qos约束的动态业务路由算法

    A Qos-Based Routing Algorithm for Dynamic Operation in WDM Networks

  29. QoS组播路由的启发式遗传算法

    Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for QoS Multicast Routing

  30. 非确定环境下的QoS网络路由问题

    QoS Routing in Networks with Uncertain Condition