
lù wǎnɡ
  • pattern of road distribution
  1. 基于GIS的微观仿真路网数据结构设计和实现

    Data Structure Design and Actualization of GIS-based Micr-Simulation System of Road Network

  2. 利用手持式GPS接收机进行路网普查的实践

    Practice of highway network reconnaissance survey using hand-held GPS receiver

  3. 全站仪配CAD定线在路网改造项目中的应用

    The application of Total station combined with CAD alignment in highway network reconstruction

  4. 因此需要研究基于路网的移动对象索引策略和K近邻查询策略,如何采用快速、有效的方法来处理移动对象K近邻查询是一个具有挑战性的研究课题。

    Therefore , moving object index strategy and K nearest neighbor query strategy need to be studied .

  5. 基于蚁群算法的MAS路网容量仿真模型

    A Simulation Model of Road-Network Flows Based on ACO and MAS

  6. 鉴于此,本文在路网Voronoi图(NetworkVoronoiDiagram,NVD)的基础上,提出高效的算法解决ANN查询。

    View of this , we solve ANN queries on the Network Voronoi diagram ( NVD ) .

  7. 局域路网IO矩阵反推模型研究

    Research on IO Matrix Estimation Model of Local Network

  8. 该方案是封闭式路网环境下实施ETC系统的一种具有极高性价比的优秀技术方案。

    This plan is an outstanding technical plan with the best price versus performance ratio to implement the ETC system under the enclosed road network environment .

  9. 本文分析了GIS环境下动态路径优化算法的特点,对GIS环境下城市路网的最优路径选择问题的关键技术进行了研究和验证。

    This paper analyses some characters of dynamic path optimum algorithm , studies and verifies the key techniques of the optimum path of city road network under GIS .

  10. 基于IO矩阵的局域路网交通流重分配模拟模型研究

    Research on IO Matrix Based Reassignment Simulation Model of Traffic Flow for Local Network

  11. 由于设计中采用了Petri网模型、路网数据、运行图相分离的原则,使系统具有良好的普适性和扩充性。

    The system is designed to have separating Petri net model , railway network information and train operation chart so it has the good generality and expansibility .

  12. 提出一种时间复杂度为O(n)的限制搜索区域距离最短路径规划算法(n为路网节点数)。

    A route planning algorithm for the shortest distance in a restricted searching area , with a time complexity O ( n ) is proposed ( n being the number of nodes in the road net ) .

  13. 概述了Dijkstra关于铁路路网里程计算的基本原理与算法。

    The paper describes the basic principle and the Dijkstra algorithm concerning the calculation of the railway network route length .

  14. 在整个路网层面,创建了全路网均衡运输下的OD时空网络。

    In the range of the whole railway network , OD time-space network with balanced transportation is created in order to optimize technical plan .

  15. 考虑现实世界中随着城市路网规模的日益增大和复杂程度不断增加的情况,充分利用GIS的特点,探讨了通过限制搜索区域求解最短路径的策略,大大减少了搜索的时间。

    Thirdly , it probe the strategy of searching region limited to solve the shortest path after considering the increase of the size of city road network and complex degree by making use of the characteristics of GIS in reality ;

  16. 当前对路网环境下ANN查询的研究有两个缺陷:1.文献[1]性能最好的算法只适用于路网中边的权值与其长度成比例的情况。

    The current work on ANN query in road network [ 1 ] has two drawbacks : 1 . The best algorithm only applies to case that the weights of edges are proportional to their length . 2 .

  17. 简介了地理信息系统,对地理信息系统基础软件进行了分析,确定了地理信息系统基础软件选择原则和适合智能运输系统GIS的路网参数选择范围,提出了智能运输系统的GIS基本框架。

    This paper introduces the geographic information system ( GIS ), analyses the principle of the GIS software and sets up suitable network parameter criteria of GIS for intelligent transportation systems ( ITS ) . The GIS architecture of ITS is also proposed in this paper .

  18. 根据重庆高速公路路网的特点,采用分治法,提出了一种将Floyd算法和Johnson算法相结合的改进算法来求任意2结点间的最小费用矩阵的算法,并对算法复杂度进行了分析。

    This paper first divides up the problem according to the specialty of Chongqing highway-net , provides a new algorithm based on Floyd algorithm and Johnson algorithm , and analyzes its complexity .

  19. 利用时段均值计算、路网信息递推,并结合a/v二维车辆特性查表等不同方式获取仿真系统实时交通信息,为交通状况分析评价、实时交通控制、动态交通诱导的实现奠定了基础。

    Methods such as average count within time sects , traffic network information deducing and a / v two dimensional vehicle speciality table checking are proposed to provide real-time traffic information for traffic status analysis and estimation , traffic control and dynamic traffic guidance .

  20. 在VFP6.0中实现铁路路网里程计算

    Railway Network Route Length Calculation Program with Visual FoxPro 6.0 Program Software

  21. 选择上海市路网某典型次干道上的两点进行机动车污染排放因子测试,获得了城市次干道上机动车排放污染物浓度、交通参数、气象参数等实测数据.NET平台下编写一个RSA算法程序。

    At two monitoring points established in a certain typical hypo-artery road in road net , Shanghai , measurements of the emission factors of pollutions from motor vehicles were carried out and the concentration of the pollutants , traffic activity and meteorological data were gained .

  22. 该算法利用寻找最短路来代替路径枚举,是对Logit概率分配法的一种合理改进,适合实际路网的配流计算。

    This algorithm replaces path enumeration by searching the shortest path in road network , so it is a reasonable improvement of Logit random assignment method , and is suit to the flow assignment in reality network .

  23. 其次,在分析固定源数据和移动源数据特性之后,进一步明确了结合二源数据开展OD估计的优势,并深入分析了城市路网动态OD估计模型的特性。

    Then , it analyzes the characteristics of stationary source data and moving source data and the advantages of OD estimation combining two sources of data , and further provides the characteristics of time-varying OD demands model of urban road network .

  24. 由此提出了路网中关键节点分析的特色算法,并选取经典路网模型SiouxFalls进行分析研究,验证了所提出算法的合理性和实用性。

    The special algorithm of key node analysis in the road network is proposed , and the classic road network , Sioux Falls , as numerical experiment is provided to demonstrate the practice and accuracy of the solution .

  25. 该算法适用于多起点、多讫点以及O-D量随时间变化路网的动态系统最优交通分配,仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。

    The algorithm is applicable to large-scale road network with many to many origin-destination and time-dependent O-D volumes . Simulation results prove the validity of both the model and the algorithm .

  26. 研究基于旅客列车开行效益分析,并结合路网OD客流进行旅客列车开行方案一体化设计及评价的辅助决策系统开发,对于合理确定开行方案,辅助运营决策进行有益的探索。

    It was researched the Assisted Decision-making Support System of integrated design and evaluation of passenger train operation plan based on economical benefit analysis and railway was network OD passenger flow . It would be helpful for passenger train operation plan formulation , assistant operation decision .

  27. 城市路网与交通适应性分析方法的探讨

    The Discussion on City Road Network and Traffic Adaptability Analysis Methods

  28. 基于宏观交通流的城市路网容量研究

    Research on Urban Road Network Capacity Based on Macroscopic Traffic flows

  29. 路网容量理论与分析方法研究

    Study on the Theory and Analysis Method of Highway Network Capacity

  30. 路网、区域性编组站现状评价及对策研究

    Study on Railway Network and Regional Marshalling Yard Assessment and Counter-measure