
  • 网络yao;Rotel
  1. 路遥是中国当代现实主义作家,在当代文坛享有盛誉。

    Lu Yao is a famous contemporary realism writer in China .

  2. 论路遥及其作品对青年的教育意义

    The Edifying Value of Lu Yao 's Works to the Youth

  3. 路遥知马力。

    Distance tests a horse 's stamina .

  4. 论路遥的创作在中国当代文学史上的意义

    The Significance of Luyao 's Creation in Chinese Contemporary Literary History

  5. 在路遥笔下,窑洞是一个充满矛盾的意象。

    In Luyao ' sworks , the cave is a contradictory imagery .

  6. 为寻找灵感,他们不畏路遥,甚至去很远的学校拜访取经。

    They even visited groups on faraway campuses for inspiration .

  7. 试论路遥小说世界的内在矛盾性

    On the Characteristic of the Inner Contradictions of the Novels of Luyao

  8. 距离与欲望:路遥小说的诗意

    Alienation and Lust : The Poetry of Luyao 's Story

  9. 但路遥却在平凡中看到了他的主人公的不平凡。

    Luyao is in the ordinary but saw his hero 's extraordinary .

  10. 以上四个方面即路遥的创作思想所在。

    The fours aspects above represent his significant thoughts of literary creation .

  11. 论路遥小说的苦难主题

    On the Suffering Theme of Lu Yao 's Novels

  12. 小说:人生命运的美学表达&再谈路遥小说《人生》的审美范式

    The Aesthetic Expression of Life and Fate in Fiction

  13. 另外一个方面,我很喜欢路遥的出发点&平凡的世界。

    The other aspect , I like Luyao the starting point-an extraordinary world .

  14. 《平凡的世界》的作者是路遥,当代作家。

    " Ordinary world " is the author of Luyao , contemporary writers .

  15. 路遥小说中平民意识的特点

    A Study of the Concern for Common People Shown in Lu Yao 's Novels

  16. 在当代中国文坛,路遥是一个极其尴尬的作家。

    In chinese contemporary literary world , Lu Yao is an extremely embarrassing writer .

  17. 与贤妻为伴路遥不觉远。

    No road is long with your wife .

  18. 论路遥爱情题材的短篇小说

    Love Theme in Short Novels by Lu Yao

  19. 本文认为,自强不息,厚德载物是路遥小说的两个基本精神特征,紧紧抓住这两个特征,也就抓住了路遥小说的精髓。

    The paper holds " Self-discipline and Social Commitment " is two basic spiritual characteristics .

  20. 路遥小说的崇高美

    Noble Beauty of LU Yao 's Novels

  21. 论路遥创作中的地域文化色彩

    Regional Culture in Lu Yao 's Novels

  22. 从读者的阅读与接受看路遥现象的存在

    A Study on Existence of Lu Yao Phenomena from the Perspective of Reading and Acceptation

  23. 宏阔、深邃的历史意识&论路遥的创作追求

    A Broad and Deep Sense of History

  24. 路遥的乡土情结

    Lu Yao 's Native Land Complex

  25. 我终于把路遥的小说看完了。我特别喜欢下面的段落在下面。

    I finally finished Lu Yao 's great novel . I especially like the below paragraphs .

  26. 在路遥身上,传统观念与现代思想的冲突主要表现在两方面。

    The inconsistency between his conventional ideas and his modern thinking especially lies in two aspects .

  27. 矛盾交叉的多维地带&浅析路遥及其小说中的审美心理机制

    Multi-dimensional Connection Contradictory Region & the contradictory of Lu Yao creative psychology mechanism and his novels

  28. 新世纪以后,路遥渐渐引起了文学史学家的重视,2005年左右,路遥研究回归潮涌,路遥重归文学史。

    After the new century , LuYao is beginning to attract the attention of literary historians .

  29. 路遥的英雄情结

    Lu Yao 's Heroic Complex

  30. 路遥的读者意识

    Readers Consciousness of Lu Yao