
  • 网络Miron;MYRON;MILLON;Tommy Milone
  1. 在杂志上面,米隆找到了一个发光的小卡片,好像是用来做书签的。

    On the top of the magazine Myron spotted a glint of silver . A paper clip was being used as a bookmark .

  2. 这款由米隆设计的专有软件可以让多场时装秀的主办方同时在一张图表工作。没错,它就是时装版的谷歌文档(GoogleDocs)。

    Mullon built proprietary software that allows multiple show organizers to work on a chart at once & think of it as Google Docs for the fashion set .

  3. 2004年,米隆来到KCD公司纽约办事处,从一位职员的电脑中提取了一个病毒。

    In 2004 , Mullon arrived at KCD 's New York office to extract a virus from a publicist 's computer .

  4. 时装界的安娜?温图尔和坎耶?韦斯特们可以被拖放至适当的座位,座位分配可以在走秀过程中通过一款iPad应用实时改变,主要取决于谁来了,谁没来,米隆说。

    The Anna Wintours and Kanye Wests of the world can be dragged and dropped into their appropriate seats , and seating assignments can be changed in real time at the event via an iPad app , depending on who turned up and who didn 't , Mullon said .

  5. 时装界的安娜?温图尔和坎耶?韦斯特们可以被拖放至适当的座位,座位分配可以在走秀过程中通过一款iPad应用实时改变,“主要取决于谁来了,谁没来,”米隆说。

    The Anna Wintours and Kanye Wests of the world can be dragged and dropped into their appropriate seats , and seating assignments can be changed in real time at the event via an iPad app , " depending on who turned up and who didn 't , " Mullon said .

  6. 随后,时装界遇到了埃迪?米隆。

    Then the fashion world met Eddie Mullon .

  7. 帕尼培南-倍他米隆治疗恶性血液病合并发热患者的临床研究

    Clinical study of panipenem-betamipron for the treatment of fever in patients with malignant hematological diseases

  8. 目的建立醋酸磺胺米隆的含量及有关物质的测定方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a method for determination of mafenide acetate and its related substances .

  9. 帕尼培南/倍他米隆在肺部感染患者的药动学及疗效观察

    A study on pharmacokinetics and therapeutic efficacy of panipenem / betamipron in patients with pulmonary infection

  10. 帕尼培南倍他米隆的临床评价

    Clinical evaluation of panipenem betamipron

  11. 帕尼培南/倍他米隆治疗老年严重院内感染疗效和安全性观察

    Observation of the efficacy and safety of panipenem and betamipron in the treatment of serious in-hospital infection in elderly patients

  12. 帕尼培南-倍他米隆治疗重症下呼吸道感染的临床疗效及药敏试验研究

    A study on the clinical efficacy and antibiotic susceptibility test of panipenem-betamipron in the treatment of severe infection of lower respiratory tract

  13. 目的:观察帕尼培南-倍他米隆在血液科病人合并感染中的治疗效果及安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of panipenem / betamipron in treating complicated infection of patients in hematologic department .

  14. 方法:以醋酸磺胺米隆和盐酸达克罗宁为主药,以羧甲基纤维钠和甘油为基质,制备水溶性凝胶,以紫外分光光度法测定含量。

    METHODS The gel was prepared by taking mafenide acetate and dyclonine hydrochloride as main components , carboxymethylcellulose sodium and glycerol as base material .

  15. 他们需要50名员工制作一份文档,拍照,扫描,然后传真至巴黎,米隆回忆说。

    They would have 50 people working on a document , taking a picture , scanning it down and faxing it to Paris , Mullon recalled .

  16. 自硫霉素被发现以来,碳青霉烯类抗生素亚胺培南西司他丁、帕尼培南倍他米隆和美罗培南已用于临床多种耐药菌引起的严重感染的治疗。

    Since the discovery of thienamycin , carbapenem antibiotics imipenem cilastatin , panipenem betamipron and meropenem have been used in clinical treatment of severe bacterial infections caused by multidrug resistant strains .

  17. 丁胺卡那霉素组、庆大霉素组、氯霉素组、磺胺米隆组细胞数目较少,形态不规则,轮廓清晰,透明度低,细胞内多有颗粒样物质及空泡;

    The number of cells was lower in amikacin , gentamicin , chloromycetin and sulfamylon groups with sharp but irregular contour and lower transparency , and more granule-like materials and vacuoles in the cytoplasm .