
  • 网络strategic management model
  1. 同时,将关键因素模型同综合战略管理模型联系起来,指出这些关键因素贯穿于战略管理的各个阶段。

    By connecting the key factor model with the general strategic management model , this thesis revealed that these factors have penetrated into each phases of strategic management .

  2. 通过对KJ公司战略管理的研究,论述了有机战略管理模型对提升公司的核心竞争力,以及实现和保持竞争优势的重要性和必要性。

    Through the study on KJ company strategic management , have expounded the fact that the organic strategic management model is to promoting the key competitiveness of the company , it realize and keep the importance and necessity of the competition advantage .

  3. 企业战略管理模型:战略-文化-结构

    A Model on Business Strategic Management : Strategy-Culture-Structure

  4. 首先构建经济型战略成本管理模型。

    This chapter builds the model of strategic cost management of economic hotels .

  5. 政府战略管理的SWOT模型:一个概念框架

    The SWOT Model of Government Strategy Management : A Conceptual Framework

  6. 基于知识的企业战略管理系统及其模型研究

    Study on Knowledge-based Strategic Management and Its Systems Model

  7. 战略共同体知识管理模型及其创新逻辑

    Knowledge Management Model and Innovation Logic for Strategic Community

  8. 首先,运用企业战略管理理论和SWOT模型分析决定浏阳市国有粮食行业资源重组模式;

    First , enterprise strategic management theory and SWOT model analysis are adopted to decide the re-structuring mode ;

  9. 其中本文构建的山东XX人寿战略人力资源管理系统模型,这是本文在应用上的创新之处。

    In this paper , the model built about SHRM system of Shandong XX Life is an innovation in the application .

  10. 研究工具主要是SWOT分析矩阵、波特的五种竞争力量分析模型、战略人力资源管理规划模型;

    The study model of the paper mainly include : SWOT model , five forces model of Porter , strategy human resource management programming model .

  11. 其次,通过战略管理中PEST分析模型,从政治法律、经济、技术以及社会文化等角度分析吉原公司的外部环境及其对公司发展的影响。

    Secondly , through PEST model analyze the company 's external environment such as political law , economy , technology as well as social culture and its influence .

  12. 基于平衡计分卡(BSC)的原理提出了高技术企业战略管理的过程分析模型。

    Specifically , the transition from one management model to another is jump - or spiral - style . ( 3 ) Based on the principle of Balance Score Card ( BSC ), a process analysis model is put forward for the strategic management in high-tech enterprises .

  13. 非营利性组织战略管理形成及其概念模型

    Management strategy forming and the conceptual model of nonprofit organizations

  14. 首先,设计了战略联盟的系统管理模型。

    At first , design the systematic management model .

  15. 企业战略信息管理的理论模型

    The Theoretical Model of Strategic Information Management in Enterprises

  16. 战略物流管理的效益模型

    The Benefit Model of Strategical Logistics Management

  17. 本文以平安人寿济南公司为研究对象,运用战略管理理论的基本模型和分析方法,旨在为公司研究和制定竞争战略。

    This paper uses the theories and analysis tools of strategic management to study and establish competitive strategy for Ping An of Jinan .

  18. 图书馆战略规划;图书馆战略管理;流程模型;

    Library strategic planning Library strategic management Process model ;

  19. 在此基础上,提出了一个以战略、文化、结构为顶点的企业战略管理三角形模型,并阐述了该模型的理论和实践意义。

    A triangle model basing on strategy , culture and structure is presented out then , and the significance of the model is discussed .

  20. 论文主体部分分为五大部分,首先,指出了战略管理研究的意义,提出问题,建立企业战略管理模型;

    First , the paper presents the importance of strategy management research and the problems of company , and builds the model of enterprise strategy management .

  21. 在明确企业进行发展战略研究的必要性的基础上,提出采用战略管理过程模型来进行长安公司发展战略规划研究。

    Based on the necessity of developing strategic research in enterprises , the article puts forward to carry out the developing strategy & programming research by means of model of strategic management process .

  22. 它是一种稀缺智力资源,基于产业生态(共生、集聚等)共生的平台,围绕战略、文化、结构3个方面构建原产地标记企业战略管理模型。

    It is one kind of scarce intelligence resources , based on the industrial ecology ( paragenesis , gathers and so on ) the paragenesis platform , revolves the strategy , the culture , the structure three aspects to construct the marking of origin enterprise strategy management model .

  23. 通过分析中小企业优势和劣势,指出中小企业信息化的总体要求,并应用战略管理中计划学派理论给出了中小企业信息化战略管理的一般模型。

    By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of SME , this paper makes the overall requirements of SME informatization and then , by applying the theories of the planning school on strategic management , constructs a general model of SME information strategic management .

  24. 从兵力的战略管理对战斗力的影响入手,提出了兵力战略管理的稳态模型及其平衡点算法,并对模型的稳定性进行了分析。

    Based on the influence of military strength strategic management to combat effectiveness , this paper presents the model of stability and algorithm of balance point of military strength strategic management . And the stability of the model is analyzed .

  25. 在此背景下,本文把顾客价值与战略管理结合起来,试图构建一个以顾客价值为导向的战略管理模型。

    Under this background , the thesis studies on the strategic management based on customer value and tries to structure a customer value - oriented strategic management model .

  26. 本文采用案例研究的方法,通过分析了华夏产业集团公司目前战略规划所要解决的问题和所要达到的目的,设计了其战略规划管理系统模型。

    Adopting a case study research method , this paper analyzed the problems to be solved and goals to be achieved for the current strategic plan of Huaxia Industry Group Co. LTD , and designed its strategic planning management model .

  27. 第三部分,分析阐述了战略成本管理的基本程序:战略成本预测、决策、计划、控制、业绩评价。旨在建立一套行之有效的战略成本管理运作模型。

    The part three expounds the basic procedure of the strategic cost management such as predict of strategic cost , plan of strategic cost , control of strategic cost and outstanding achievement evaluation of strategic cost management .

  28. 本文还分析了战略导向绩效管理系统的作用机理,研究了战略导向绩效管理系统构成,指出该系统应该由内部循环系统和外部支撑体系共同组成,并构建了战略导向绩效管理系统模型。

    The strategic performance management system is consisted of the interior and exterior systems .