
  • 网络horizontal channel conflict
  1. 水平渠道冲突作为渠道冲突的一种,一直是困扰企业的难题之一。

    As a channel conflict , horizontal channel conflict is one of the problems to enterprises .

  2. 企业营销渠道中水平渠道冲突及管理研究

    The Research of Horizontal Channel Conflict and Management in the Marketing Channel of Enterprises

  3. 如果缺乏有效的冲突管理,水平渠道冲突就会直接影响渠道关系,进而影响渠道的运营效率和渠道成员的绩效,甚至有可能使整个渠道陷入瘫痪。

    If we cannot be able to manage it effectively , it will have a direct impact on the relationship and operational efficiency of channel and the performance of channel members , even destroy entire channel .

  4. 在营销现实中,由于水平渠道成员个人理性和集体理性之间的矛盾,导致水平渠道冲突经常发生。

    In marketing reality , it occurs frequently because of the contradiction between individual and collective rationality of channel members .