
  • 网络exploration expenditure;Exploration cost
  1. 论煤炭工业地质勘探费用的补偿及矿产储量价格的组成

    Compensation of the Geological Prospecting Expenditures in Coal Industry and the Price of Mineral Reserves

  2. 已证明,采用地质经济模拟技术,可使勘探费用降低15%~20%以上。

    It is shown that the use of the geological and economical modelling technology can save the exploration expense for more than 15 % ~ 20 % .

  3. 勘探费用超过32亿美元,另外在彼得堡建立北冰洋研究机构耗资4.5亿美元,这两项费用大部份将由埃克森美孚承担。

    Exxon will foot most of the more than $ 3.2 billion in exploration costs and a majority of the costs for a $ 450 million Arctic research facility in St. Petersburg .

  4. 当我们为自己的汽车购买几加仑汽油时,我们付的不仅仅是汽油的价钱,而且还包括了一部分不断在进行着的勘探费用。

    When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars , we pay not only the cost of the petrol , but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on .

  5. 同时,野外数据采集也是目前三维地震勘探中费用最大的部分,几乎占到全部费用的70%~80%。因此,关于野外采集方面的研究工作也就显得越来重要。

    Furthermore , currently the field acquisition also cost the biggest part ( almost 70 % - 80 % ) in the 3D seismic exploration expenses .

  6. 拟开征的这项税收适用于澳大利亚相关项目的所有营业收益,在公司所得税中扣除资本支出、勘探和开发活动费用等项目。

    The proposed tax applies to all operating earnings on Australian projects , deductible against company tax with concessions on capex , exploration and development .

  7. 这些因素就是线性规划模型中的约束条件,在此条件下求解目标函数就能得出总的设想的数值解,例如勘探周期、投资费用以及经济效益。

    These factors are the restraint conditions of the linear planning model . Resolving the objective function under these conditions , we can obtain the numerical value of the general plan , such as , the length of exploration periods , the amount of investment and the economic results .

  8. 通过分析我国油气勘探企业在成本管理方面存在的问题,提出了成本控制的原则,并针对勘探企业的费用构成给出了若干具体的成本控制措施。

    After a detailed analysis of problems existing in the expense control in Chinese enterprises of oil and gas prospecting , the author presents some principles of expense control . Some concrete measures to control expense are also given according to the composition of cost .