
shēnɡ wù jiǎn
  • alkaloid
  1. 双链DNA与生物碱类化合物非共价作用的电喷雾质谱研究

    Study on Non-covalent Complexes between Double-stranded DNA and Alkaloid Compounds by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  2. A、C组无异常。结论:可食用植物生物碱无成瘾性,对动物及人体依赖性的戒断作用有重要参考价值。

    Conclusion : Alkaloid has no addition and it has important value for withdrawal effect of dependence of creature .

  3. 天然C(19)-二萜生物碱的核磁共振谱(Ⅱ)

    The natural c_ ( 19 ) - diterpenoid alkaloids and their NMR (ⅱ)

  4. 白毛茛中生物碱的提取和HPLC分析

    Extraction and HPLC Analysis of Alkaloids in Goldenseal

  5. 结论:III是新生物碱。

    CONCLUSION : III is a new alkaloid .

  6. 钩藤煎煮过程的HPLC研究仿生合成单萜吲哚生物碱

    Studies on the Mechanism of Put in Later of Uncaria Hook by HPLC Biomimetic Synthesis of Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids

  7. 方法:采用改性PVA作为分离膜分离生物碱。

    Method s : Modified PVA was used as separating membrane and separated alkaloids .

  8. 水溶性生物碱、苦参碱、N-氧化苦参碱、槐定碱,野靛碱、苦豆碱均对松毛虫有不同程度的抑食作用和毒性。

    The water solvable alkaloids , matrine , N-oxymatrine , sophoridine , cytisine , aloperine showed feeding inhibition and toxicity to caterpillars at different levels .

  9. 目的建立HPLC法测定口服制川乌提取物后大鼠体内乌头类生物碱的方法。

    Aim To develop an HPLC method for the determination of Aconitum alkaloids extracted from Radix aconiti preparata in rats .

  10. 黄连总生物碱各剂量组均能显著降低大鼠红细胞中AR活性,提示黄连总生物碱可能通过降低大鼠红细胞中AR活性从而保护肾小球的结构和功能。

    All doses of Total Alkaloids of Rhizoma Coptidis can decrease the AR activity in rat red blood cells .

  11. 与磷酸缓冲体系相比,这种高浓度低pH值的酒石酸缓冲体系能更有效地分离和检测烟草生物碱。

    It was found that the tartaric buffer solution at low pH provided higher separation efficiency and detection sensitivity comparing with those of phosphate buffer solution .

  12. 目的:研制一种由苦参生物碱和茶皂苷复配而成的创新ST植物杀虫剂。

    Objective : To develop a innovative botanical insecticides of TS , which comprises Theasaponin and alkaloid of Radix sophorae flavescentis .

  13. 因此,紫堇总生物碱具有降低血压和抑制NA引起的血管的收缩效应。

    Therefore , general alkaloid of Corydalis can cause decrease of blood pressure and cause relaxation of aortic muscle precontracted by NA .

  14. 昆明山海棠总生物碱对肺腺癌A549细胞株增殖抑制作用的实验研究

    Inhibition on proliferation of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 by alkaloids from tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch

  15. 目的研究咔唑生物碱HY1对人慢性骨髓性红白血病K562细胞的增殖抑制和凋亡诱导作用,并探讨其作用机制。

    Objective To investigate apoptosis-inducing effect and its mechanisms of HY-1 , a carbazole alkaloid , on human erythroleukemia K562 cells .

  16. 烟碱(Nicotine),俗名尼古丁,是一种存在于茄科植物中的生物碱,也是烟草的重要成分。

    Nicotine is present in the Solanaceae ( Solanum ) of the alkaloid , is also an important component of tobacco .

  17. 方法:以TLC法和HPLC法双重鉴定各药材及未知品中酯型生物碱的存在并测定其含量。

    METHOD : The existance and contents of double ester alkaloids in every medicinal materials and unknowing materials were carried out by TLC and HPLC .

  18. CONE电压升高后,3个生物碱均发生主要裂解,其中咖啡因和茶碱较可可碱易发生裂解。

    In the high cone voltage analysis , three alkaloids take place main fragmentation . The fragmentation of caffeine and theophylline is easier than that of theobromine .

  19. 苦马豆素(Swainsonine,SW)属吲哚里西啶生物碱,是疯草(Locoweed)的主要有毒成分。

    The indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine is the main toxic composition of Locoweed .

  20. 气相色谱/质谱(GC-MS)联用分析食用仙人掌中生物碱类物质基于同步荧光光谱和GC-MS指纹特征的溢油鉴别方法研究

    Analysis of the alkaloids in edible cactus by GC-MS Characterization and Identification of Spilled Oils Using Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

  21. 与对照组相比,博落回生物碱使胸肌在冷藏后MDA含量极显著降低(P0.01)。

    Comparing to control group , malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content during cold storage were decreased ( P0.01 ) in breast muscle from chicks fed macleaya alkaloids .

  22. 虽然这两种生物碱都含环外乙烯基,Nb-甲基及可能具环醚结构,但是其脂环部分的构造按推断亦不相同。

    Although gelsemine and koumine both contain an exo-vinyl , an Nb-methyl and most likely a cyclic ether linkage , the structures of the alicyclic parts of these two alkaloids appear also different from each other .

  23. 结果①P-gp检测显示,54.5%的病例对阿霉素、丝裂霉素、长春新碱等抗生素类和生物碱类抗癌药高耐药。

    RESULTS ① P-gp detection shew that 54.5 % cases express a high resistance to doxorubicin , mitomycin , vinblastine .

  24. 有报道表明TDC酶是长春花生物碱代谢途径的一个限速酶;

    It has been reported that TDC is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of alkaloid from Catharanthus Roseus ;

  25. 该部分未完成的工作,加深了我们对Schmidt反应和百部生物碱氮杂并环反应性质的认识。

    This unfinished work deepened our understanding of the intramolecular Schmidt reaction and reaction properties of the stemona alkaloids ' skeleton .

  26. 小檗胺(Berbamine,BER)是从我国中草药小檗属(Berberis)植物中提取的一种双苄基异喹啉类生物碱。

    Berbamine ( BER ) is a kind of bis-benzylisoquinoline alkaloids that was extracted from Chinese herb .

  27. 狗舌草总生物碱LD(50)测定通过改良寇氏法、腹腔注射给药测定总生物碱对KM雌性小鼠的LD(50)。

    LD50 Determination of Alkaloids from I Kirilowii The LD50 of total alkaloids was determined using female KM mice by intraperitoneal injection according to improved Karber 's method .

  28. 高分蘖期前用GA3和6BA进行浸根处理,分析GA3和6BA对金钗石斛生长发育及生物碱含量的影响。

    , the roots were soaked in different concentrations of GA_ ( 3 ) and 6-BA before the peak tillering stage .

  29. 用不同浓度的乙醇和阳离子交换树脂对苦参(Sophoraflavescens)总生物碱进行提取和纯化,并对不同的苦参生物碱纯化工艺进行比较和研究。

    Total alkaloid in Sophora flavescens was extracted by different concentration alcohol and resin cation and the purifying technology was studied .

  30. Mannich反应是一类重要的有机合成反应,在医药和生物碱的合成中有广泛的应用价值。

    Mannich reaction is an important organic synthesis reaction . It has an abroad application in the synthesis of medicine and alkaloid .